Hello! Grats on clearing lesson 1! Unfortunately, crits come in kinda slow these few days. Nevertheless, I'm here to do some crits!

In future lessons, when you can, try to compile all the images into a single imgur album. This helps in making crits much easier to do. You can add images onto the album manually after every image, or you can upload multiple images at once.

The lines section is excellently done. I can see clear amounts of confidence when using your shoulder. There is little wobble, and the lines look good. Of course, there are some minor accuracy issues, but that improves with time. Well done!

You're missing your pages on the table of ellipses, so unfortuantely I can't really say much on that. From what I can see, however, I do think that they're okay. On your funnels, not all the ellipses are aligned properly, so you might want to take note of that.

On your boxes: I think you've generally gotten the idea down, aside from the rotated boxes (more on that later). I think that you've got a decent grasp on the idea of perspective, and some ideas on box construction, so that's good.

For the rotated boxes: The main thing to note is that these boxes aren't full boxes, they're tapered off at some points, such that they can plausibly be "rotated" within a space. In addition, one of the goals of this exercise is to be able to make a "proper" box by making guesses off the original, adjacent box. Some of your boxes don't really follow this trend. I'd highly suggest giving this a read: https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtFundamentals/comments/cqvxap/i_created_an_extra_rotated_boxes_guide_for_people/. It goes over how to consider the way the boxes converge, and how they relate to each other. Do note that this idea of convergence also applies to the bottom surfaces of the boxes as well.

That's mostly what I want to cover here. While I won't mark this as fully complete, I think you can use a little bit of follow ups to finish this up, before moving on.