Hello and congrats on completing the challenge. I'll be looking over your submission. Starting off I was noticing quite a bit of wobble on your lines on your initial boxes. This is somewhat obscured by the fact that you properly extended your lines for all of your boxes which is great. But it does mean your boxes were looking a bit sloppy especially at the beginning. Now you did seem to improve this quite a bit as you worked through these but I still want to remind you to make sure you ghost every single line you put down and then draw with confidence. This is also the issue I'm seeing with your hatching attempts as well. You appear to be rushing through your hatching a bit instead of ghosting and carefully putting down each line. One of the key aspects of learning how to draw is developing patience and discipline. If you keep rushing through your hatching like this you will never get to the point where it looks sharp and accurate. You need to take your time and work through it slowly right now so you build it up in your muscle memory correctly. That speed you are looking for will come later with mileage.

You were struggling with convergences throughout here but you did seem to get consistently better especially when it comes to boxes with more narrow foreshortening. Please take a look at this graphic https://i.imgur.com/8PqQLE0.png. You always want to be visualizing the vanishing point that the lines on a box are converging to while drawing it. Great job extending all of your lines back and checking your work. This was all done correctly for the most part and I can see that you really looked some of these over and made little notes and got something out of it. Now there's still plenty of room for improvement for your boxes and you should keep practicing them in your daily warmups particularly boxes with more extreme foreshortening. You tended to favor boxes with more narrow foreshortening particularly towards the beginning so you could use a bit more practice on the boxes with lots of foreshortening.

Overall, this was a solid submission but there is plenty of room for growth. You are clearly understanding the concepts and I'm seeing improvement so just keep up the good work. I'm going to mark this as complete and good luck with the 250 box challenge.