Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
1:35 PM, Saturday December 31st 2022
Thanks for this great learning resource. I already learnt a lot during this lesson. And thanks to everyone who will give me some feedback!
Congrats to have completed lesson 1 !
Lines : Your lines are clean overall with no shakiness and they start well at the beginning for exercise 1, I would add that for exercise 2 you should be at level 2.
Ellipses : Your Ellipses are drawn through ellipses 2 to 3 times which is good, In general your circles are drawn inside the square. Let's come to the elipse painting. First of all, you didn't divide the painting in two vertically, then you should have made ellipses and circles, which is not the case with you since you only made ellipse; otherwise on the whole your ellipses are designed with confidence and do not exceed the frame. To conclude with ellipses the funnels exercice is greatly done.
Boxes : For the boxes I don't know why you didn't continue the perspective lines for exercise 1 but it's good. Other remarks you could have made at least 5 boxes but apart from that the exercise is well done. For exercise two you often missed the leakage point and your lines were performed with less confidence and your lines was not always vertically parallel. For exercise 3 your boxes do not turn out so coherently. We arrive at the end with the last exercise of the death that you have on the whole rather well realized even if a little distorted
Next Steps:
You should revise exercice 2 and 3 of boxes and then go do the 250 box challenge.
These are what I use when doing these exercises. They usually run somewhere in the middle of the price/quality range, and are often sold in sets of different line weights - remember that for the Drawabox lessons, we only really use the 0.5s, so try and find sets that sell only one size.
Alternatively, if at all possible, going to an art supply store and buying the pens in person is often better because they'll generally sell them individually and allow you to test them out before you buy (to weed out any duds).
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