Hi HaveFunAndImprove,

I've checked your submission,

Let's start out by your lines, they start out great the firsts exercises, but as you progress thorugh the lesson, they start not looking that great. This is normak in lesson 1, dont worry. They look like they lacking confidence, now remember the golden rule; Confidence>Accuracy, you have to strive for your lines to look confident over anything else. If your line misses, or overshoots, it doesn't matter since that gets better with time and practice, but you gotta apply confidence since the beginning. How do you do this? The ghosting method. Confidence in your lines should come from you ghosting and repeating until you mark the page when you feel ready to. Remember to take your time in every stroke, don't rush learning.

Now onto your ellipses, they are suffering from the same problem, though they get better over the lesson, they lack that fundamental confidence. Remember to always ghost your lines and ellipses, take your time with every ellipse too!

Another thing it's that you are going through your ellipses to many times with your pen, the recommende amount it's only two, more than this makes them look messy.

Your boxes look good. However, they als suffer from your line quality, but remember that a box it's just a group of organized lines, if you an make a confident line, you can make a confident box

Also, avoid correcting your lines, it's a bad habit that on makes your boxes look messy.

Overall, keep up the enthusiasm, but pump up that confidence! Remember that it's okay to make mistakes since we learn from them.

I'm gonna mark this lesson as completed, keep it up!