Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants

10:08 AM, Sunday September 25th 2022

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If you have the time, feedback is appreciated! Have a great day :D

2 users agree
4:11 PM, Thursday October 27th 2022

Hi! Good job on finishing your homework.

Funny that this was uploaded on my birthday, hehe.

Let's go by categories:

Arrows: Nice job here. The line quality is accurate and so are the creases.

A correct application of shading and line weight...

Branches: There are few loose tails on these, which is acceptable.

That wobble in the lines will diminish over time, this is normal as you perform new exercises.

You are already changing the degree of the ellipses on each branch, plus try to exaggerate the change a bit. You will get more depth.

Leaves: Excellent basic construction. Texture a bit excessive...

Any texture you work into the leaf should be not just a line, but a shadow cast. At least for this task.

So when adding it, even if it's very thin, remember to render it with a bit of line weight so it's noticeable as a shadow.

This image demonstrates it best:https://i.imgur.com/M9JJfr4.png

You don't need a lot of texture on the leaves, anyway.

Drawings of plants:

I can comment the same as I mentioned on the leaves: "Excellent basic construction, excessive detail."

There is a good handling of shape in these. The spherical and concave shapes as in the mushroom or the cactus are correctly represented.

Putting too many lines or textures inside the shapes makes you lose some of the solidity you achieved. I recommend to keep using textures, but moderately...

That shadow on the edge of the "mouth" of the pitcher plant, it's made with lots of little strokes. It causes a lot of visual noise that could be avoided by simply filling the area with pure black; that's more efficient.

Conclusion: There is a very good result. You have understood the basics of the lesson... I don't even have to leave you homework.

Keep on improving your branches in warm-ups, and be moderate when adding textures.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
7:04 AM, Saturday October 29th 2022

Thanks man, appreciate the feedback! Also belated happy birthday! :D

I'm currently working on my textures, which I must agree were exaggerated and I already got the hang of the branches exercise.

Thanks again, and have a nice day!

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