250 Box Challenge
1:06 AM, Wednesday February 28th 2024
Hi Critiquer,
I started the 250 box challenge as soon as I got feedback from lesson 1 (~13th Jan 2024).
I read the information pertaining to the challenge and got straight to work. However I revisited the 250-box notes around the 200 box mark and realized I didn't follow the instructions properly - for which I apologize. I got too comfortable in my new 10-box-a-day routine and forgot to check the notes to see if I was on the right track!
What I forgot or overlooked:
Id actually drawn many of the boxes with horizontal vanishing points. I am prepared to redo (any of) them.
I used a ruler to shade the lines on the boxes.
I opted to omit line weight as I felt it detracted from my focus on illustrating line quality.
I did not include a vanishing point for the first 50; I also did not follow the instructions about the rate of convergence for the following lots of 50; where at around 200 I made sure all box edges converged. In addition, I only really extended the vanishing points out around 200.
I re-attempted inaccurately drawn lines; if this is considered a form of cheating, I will readily redo (any of) them.
Prior to this challenge, I couldnt construct a box intuitively and required reference in all instances. As part of this challenge + the recommended warm ups (I also included the dotted lines), I have noticed a dramatic improvement in my line quality (pls feel free to see my pre-challenge box drawings). Where I think I need to improve is my planning+execution (regarding the line angle); as a (e.g.) two degree shift can cause a line to dramatically diverge from the VP). I've also developed a far more intuitive understanding of how to construct a 3D box (from imagination even). But most importantly, moving forward, I will be sure to regularly revise over the instructions.
Thanks in advance for your critique.
(ps: One of the pages duplicated)