Hello! Today I'll be critiquing your submission for today. Congratulations on completing the challenge, pretty impressive. Looking in the submission, there are some mistakes that have arisen. Mark-making was fantastic, and the convergence of the boxes were good, it improved later in the challenge. Here are some pointers that I have to point out however:

Draw Bigger:

  • In the submission, there was some pages that have: (1) the amount of boxes ranges from 7 - 8, (2) the page has more space, this is due to the page have less boxes. Stick with drawing 5 - 6 boxes per page so that, you can draw them at a reasonable size. https://drawabox.com/lesson/250boxes/1/assignment.

Line weight:

Inner Corner:

  • This is commonly the problem within the challenge, and most people tend to have this problem as well. This can also affect the convergence of the box. Whether it may diverge (Box no. 104, 113 (red extending lines)), converging in pairs (Box no. 88, 146, 190) an example would be this image: https://imgur.com/KSHwTwo, or converging sharply (Box no. 83 (Green extending lines), 110, 132 (Red extending lines)).

  • To improve the inner corner, you should change the order of the drawing the box itself: https://imgur.com/a/DHlA3Jh, and think about the relationship of lines in the set: https://imgur.com/8PqQLE0. It is mainly about the angle of the lines, and these lines must converge as a set.

I also notice some boxes that have missing line extensions such as Box 125, you must draw and apply the line extensions, so that you could check its convergence: https://drawabox.com/lesson/250boxes/1/convergences. I also must mention something, which is the hatching lines, I have growing suspicions that you are haphazardly and quickly drawing them, if you do then, the hatching lines, they fall to the principles of mark-making: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/3/markmaking. Make them evenly spaced, and parallel.

Other than that, great job, the submission was decent, and again I must congratulate you on completing the challenge. Implement the challenge to your warm-ups, and I also have to recommend you to draw shallow foreshortening, because most of the boxes are in dramatic foreshortening: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/3/markmaking. Onward to Lesson 2.