Hey there, congrats on taking the time to come back to the basics! I'll be looking over your submission.

Before I start however, I must say that the quality of the pictures you submitted is really low. I don't know if it's an issue on my end or yours though. I will still do my best to critique your homework but I would love to take another look if you reupload the pictures.

Lines Your lines are both confident and accurate, good job!

Ellipses I've only noticed a single deformed ellipse (in the ellipses in planes exercise) which is great. However, there were a couple of non-drawn through ellipses. Those ellipses still don't look all that bad but you must draw through your ellipses for these lessons. (Also, there is the possibility that they were drawn through but I failed to notice because of the image quality) Your funnels look good too. There were a couple of slightly misaligned ellipses but that's okay.

Plotted/Rough Perspective Plotted perspective looks perfect! Rough perspective looks great too!

Rotated Boxes Not a mistake but using hatching would've helped make it less confusing. Also, some of the boxes look like they aren't rotating. This too could be caused by the poor quality of the images but still, something to keep in mind.

Organic Perspective Organic perspective looks pretty good! Making the boxes closer to the viewer bigger was a nice touch but it would've been okay if you progressively went from bigger to smaller. There were some lines that were diverging but that's not a big deal for now. As for figuring out the Y method, I'm sure you'll get used to it during the 250 Box Challenge :)

Overall, good job! I'm marking this as complete but still, it would be great if you were to reupload the pictures or at least take a look at the parts where I wasn't completely sure whether you've made a mistake or not.