
This is my critque:


Superimposed Lines: Good job on starting your lines directly on the point. The lines also look fairly confident. They still fray a lot but that will improve with practice.

Ghosted Lines: Most of the lines seems very nice but also you could've been more ambitious with the lenght. It is a good advice to warm up with this kind of ghosted lines.

Ghosted Planes: The ghosted planes seems very aceptable. A little comment, try to do the black dots smaller. They are way to big. This affect the overall apperance of the planes. Sometimes your lines wobble a lot, more frequently that in the ghosted lines.


Tables: In this case your ellipses are very uneven. They are suppose to be in the same angle. Essentially you are trying to adjust each ellipse with the other ellipses that surround it. It seems also that you rush while doing them. Try to take your take and do them patiently.

Planes: The ellipses inside the planes look aceptable but they lack a lot of accuracy. This is difficult to achieve and a way to improve them is to practice them while you warm up for your lesson.

Funnels: There some problems with your funnels:

  • Your ellipses are mostly in the same degree. I just read that this is not mandatory. It is optional and it is more optional if you are struggling with keeping them align.

  • Your ellipses are not very align with the minor axis.


Rotated boxes:

  • Your rotated boxes looks very unclear. One of the instructions in the homework include to add some line weight to the fronts faces to make the boxes looks more clear. Look:


  • There are some boxes that are not really rotating. Look:


Plotted Perspective, rough Perspective, organic Perspective:

Here we have a bit of a problem. It seems like you did not watch the videos for these lesson. Each sheet is suppose to have three divisions so you will do the exercises three times for each page. You did all of them once in each page. So you still have work to do.