Hi B_A_R_C_L_A_Y, congratulations on making it this far.

Getting right into it with your Organic Arrows, your linework is fairly confident, which is good, but I'm seeing a little bit of wobble in a couple of places, especially on shorter lines. Remember to properly ghost even seemingly inconsequential marks like these ones for more consistent results. Consistently ghosting out your lines might also help you to achieve the compressing effect seen here https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/011d064f.jpg, which is key the illusion that the arrow is an object in 3D space, and I didn't see as much as I would like in these exercises. It would also have been good to see a little bit of lineweight and shading at the bends like this https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/fe736654.jpg, as this too helps to sell that illusion that one part of the form is in front of another.

Your Organic Forms were a mixed bag. You did a fairly good job keeping your ellipses and contour lines aligned with the minor axis of each form, and keeping them flush with the edges of the forms. Some of your contour lines don't hook around to show the roundness of the form, but I can see that this improved with time. A bigger problem is that the shapes of your sausages wound up quite complex and uneven, which probably did you no favours as you carried out the rest of the exercise, and the line quality wasn't quite what I'd expect at this stage. Both of these issues could be addressed by diligently ghosting your lines out, and drawing from the shoulder.

Your Texture Analysis exercise was better, with some caveats. You've done well paying attention to the shapes of shadows, though the scales/sequins (?) on the third example seemed a bit haphazard; I would expect those shapes to change on a surface with so many creases, so I think you could have been more purposeful here. I'd also recommend getting a felt-tip pen to fill in black areas, as small spots that you miss draw attention to themselves. Your gradients were also pretty good overall, though it would have been better to get even darker on the left hand side. If the black and white bars are obvious, it's a sign tthat your gradient isn't as dramatic as intended.

Your Dissections exercise, too, has a lot of ups and downs. I like that you've been very willing to break silhouette, and there are at least some places where you've done a good job wrapping your textures around the sausage and really showing the curvature of the form. Great stuff! I just would have liked to see the textures themselves be more like your Texture Analysis, focusing on showing form through shadow instead of outlines. The end result is often a bit cartoony. Now, I love cartoons, but it's not the skill we're trying to cultivate here. For example, you could have tried to convey how fur clumps and layers rather than simply drawing out each strand individually.

As far as your Form Intersections are concerned, we're still seeing the same issues with line quality. Again, ghost them out carefully, and draw them confidently. Really thinking about your trajectories should let you draw more convincingly 3D boxes too, as some of your parallel sides clearly aren't converging. (Speaking of which, some of the boxes hadn't been drawn through; remember to draw every edge of each form for this exercise, even ones that should be hidden. Remember to draw through ellipses like spheres and the bases of cones twice as well.) The main goal of this exercise is to make theses shapes feel like they're all sharing the same space, which you more or less achieved. The actual intersections were fairly good for a first attempt. I won't ask you to redo any pages, but I recommend you keep practising these and thinking about how overlapping 3D shapes related to each other. There's a great resource (https://imgur.com/a/6Inx5Bz) made by a member of the community that demonstrates how these different geometric shapes interact.

Your Organic Intersections bring to mind a lot of the same issues as your earlier Organic Forms; unconfident lines leading to very inconsistent shapes, unlike the nice, consistent sausages we're going for. Cast shadows have been scribbled in (that's a definite no-no) and don't do much to show the shape of the forms they are cast onto, or create visual hierarchy to demonstrate how the shapes relate to each other. I do, however, think you did a good job making your sausages convincingly hang and lean against each other in a way that makes sense, and that's really hard. I just wish it was easier to be sure that the sausages are where I think they are. Try rewatching Uncomfortable's demonstration for a more thorough explanation of my point about.

Overall I think this is a fair effort, but you'll see most improvement once you start really taking your time and internalising all the core mark-making skills that you developed in lesson 1.