Hi Christopher Beaven,

I've checked your submission,

I wanna start out by saying that by checking your website, It's weird for me to give you feedback, but I'm gonna make my best!

First of all, your lines. They start out great, though as you progress through the lesson, they get less confident. This is normal, since people put their focus on the box itself, they forget about the marks they are making. Always remember the golden rule for mark making in this course, Confidence>Accuracy, strive to make your lines look confident over anything else, accuracy comes with time and practice. And remember that confidence comes from the ghosting method, take your time.

Your ellipses look confident and pretty good, though remember to try to allign them to the minor axis and to not go through them more than two times, it will get messy.

Your perspective look good overall. I only see one issue in your organic boxes, in some cases your lines are not reaching the corners. This is a case of caring more about accuracy over confidence, which we have already discussed. It doesn't matter if you overshoot your lines, that will get better with time!

I'm gonna mark this lesson as completed! Keep it up.