hi, congratulations for finishing lesson 1, you did most of the excercise really good, but you did a few exercise in these exercises:

superimposed lines: some of the lines frail at the beginning and end, so I want you to do another page of them, remember to think about the line when you ghost and always start where you made your first line, you tried to to this in a page of ghosted lines but I think you should retry.

ghosted lines: the lines in the first page are wobbly and seem without confidence, try to ghost more and do them with one quick line, but you fixed it in the second page, so I suggest you to not re do them but do this excercise as a warmup on the ghosted plane excercise.

funnels: the minor axis doesn't cut in half the ellipses, Id like for you to retry it.

1 point perspective: the problem isn't In the exceution of the excercise but more in the aftermath when you have to extend the lines or the boxes, so I'd like for you to finish the homework

rotated boxes: the excercise is not finished , on the left side it's nicely done but it seems you gave up on the excercise, try watching scilla stew video and analyze her method.

but all things considering the excercises were done well.

good job