Hi MECHA_KITTY, I'm Nobody and I'll be handling your submission today. As a side note, my criteria is as follows: I'll be using Elodin's notes as a checklist for mistakes. I'll consider the Lesson complete if all the sections have been completed without mistakes, and a mistake is considered to have been made if, in that section, more than a third of the mistakes in the post have been made randomly across a quarter of the assignment (half if the assignment is a one pager).

Let's get started, then.


Overall, I'd say your lines section are fairly decently done. There's some fraying on both ends in the first page of Superimposed Lines, but it fades away as your assignment continues, so I don't think it's a problem. Your Ghosted Lines and Ghosted Planes are also pretty good, as they're drawn smoothly and confidently and without any arching. I also appreciate you haven't made the mistakes of not putting down the start and end points or repeating your lines, which are insidious, sneaky mistakes that often goes unnoticed until the end.

Your Lines section is cleared.


Ellipses is also pretty well done. I'd like for you to try to reduce the number of times you go over your ellipses as you go on. Right now you're going over your ellipses three times—which isn't a bad thing at all. Better to have erred on the side of caution than carelessness, and all that. But you've also probably noticed that this creates ellipses that look kind of messy. As you're doing your warmups from now onwards, I'd like for you to try to go for only two repetitions over the ellipse. This isn't a mistake, however, and I'm not going to mark you down for it.

One thing that is a mistake, however, is the persistent wobble in your ellipses. Remember that an ellipse ought to be drawn with the same level of confidence and flow as your ghosted lines. Normally, this wobble comes about as a result of drawing too slowly, and thus the correction is to draw faster.

Other than that, it all looks good. Your Ellipses are complete.


Your Boxes are overall pretty good. There's no real outstanding mistake here, and I appreciate that your Rotated Boxes actually, well, rotate. That's honestly a pretty hard thing to do, and probably the thing that trips the most people. There's some wobble in your boxes, but that's honestly not something that's correctable in one easy package, and not something major enough to call for a redo. All I can do is to say that you should focus on the lines in your warmups from her onwards.

All in all, I'd tentatively say that Boxes is complete.

Your Lesson 1 is complete, and you can move on to the 250 Boxes exercise now. Fare thee well, fellow traveler on this long journey.