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9:23 PM, Thursday August 3rd 2023

Hello there, thank you for the critique and I don't think that it was harsh at all, I know that you wanted only the texture analysis and the dissections but after seeing my past submission I couldn't not redo the lesson in it's entirety sorry for taking an eternity and a half to reply school kind of got in the way

1:42 AM, Tuesday August 8th 2023

First of all, nice job actually follwing through and improving your skill. These are a big improvement, The main thing I was worried about was your line confidence, and it seems to have gotten a bit better although it could still be improved. Also, I told you that the transition from your light to dark textures could be smoother in the texture analysis exercise, they are an improvement but I can still distincly see where the line of dark ends and starts.

Other then that, Nice work, and make sure to do the 250 box challenge if you still havent.

Next Steps:

do the 250 boxes!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something we've used ourselves, or know to be of impeccable quality. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

This is a remarkable little pen. I'm especially fond of this one for sketching and playing around with, and it's what I used for the notorious "Mr. Monkey Business" video from Lesson 0. It's incredibly difficult to draw with (especially at first) due to how much your stroke varies based on how much pressure you apply, and how you use it - but at the same time despite this frustration, it's also incredibly fun.

Moreover, due to the challenge of its use, it teaches you a lot about the nuances of one's stroke. These are the kinds of skills that one can carry over to standard felt tip pens, as well as to digital media. Really great for doodling and just enjoying yourself.

I would not recommend this for Drawabox - we use brush pens for filling in shadow shapes, and you do not need a pen this fancy for that. If you do purchase it, save it for drawing outside of the course.

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