2 users agree
4:45 AM, Sunday February 19th 2023

Hi QUAT, I am going to be reviewing your submission today.

First off, when submitting for exercises in the future, If you could make sure your images are rotated the correct way before submitting it would make critique much easier. Also number each page so we can to refer to specific pages without hassle and see in what order you drew each page. Also, it looks like you are using a blue pen for most of the images. I would recommend using a felt tip fineliner for these exercises, instead of using a ballpoint pen (if that is what you are doing, it is hard to tell.)


Organic Arrows: These look pretty decent. Some arrows however look pretty wobbly and unconfident, remember to always draw from the shoulder with confidence to make every single line as smooth as possible. Also, they're are a couple spots where the lines don’t cross over eachother especially at the end of the line before it turns into arrow, like this: https://imgur.com/a/50zERDZ

Try to avoid that and remember that whenever it turns, it will cross over

Sometimes, the hatching on the arrow is on the wrong side. If you are confused on which side is supposed to have the hatching, thinking about which side overlaps which. The side being overlapped would have the hatching due to its carrying of the other's shadow.

Sausages: You ellipses look a bit wobbly to me. I understand that ellipses are very difficult, but remember to ghost every ellipse, and draw it very quickly and confidently. Maybe review lesson one material soon to make sure you are drawing ellipses right. You have one page where the degree change of the ellipses on the sausage are not existent, but it looks like you fixed it in your second try with the other page.

For you contour curves, they don’t really hook around the sausage form like they are supposed too, so remember to do that https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/5/shallow

Also, sometimes the dot that goes at the end of the sausage is in the wrong spot, which ruins the illusion. You only see the dot at the end if the sausage is facing you.


Also try to make the sausage a consistent width and not bulge or taper. This is hard to do but you will get better at it with practice.

Texture Analysis:

The first problem here is the transition from light to dark is pretty noticeable. It should be as gradual as you can possibly make it, sort of like this:


It looks like you are drawing the outlines of the texture you see and filling it in, and not drawing the shadow shapes that are cast by those outlines. Take the texture on the top for example. I can’t tell what the writing says on the side but it looks like it is supposed to be rocks/pebbles. https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/6/drawingforms https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/2/implicitexplicit . I can see the individual outline for every rock on the texture, at no point does the texture transition to white. If you were instead drawing the shadow shapes, the only thing I should be able to see would be the deepest cast shadows which merely suggest the existence of the pebbles instead of outline each one explicitly. I would recommend watching the video and reading the texture analysis exercise again to really understand this well.

Dissections: I see a lot of similar problems here, mainly with the lack of implicit detail and all of the outlining of the texture and lack of drawing the shadow shapes. This is a pretty big problem and the main thing you need to fix .You do include some good technique here though, such as breaking the silhouette. There are some textures which are just scribbles, which should never be the case in this exercise. https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/6/scribbling

Also, remember to make the textures visually wrap around the forms, which happens in most of them but you forget it every now and then: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/7/curvature

Form intersections: The form intersection exercise is very difficult, so It’s alright to make mistakes with the intersections here. The main thing that I’m concerned about is the wobbliness of all the lines in these forms. Especially with the page of boxes, a lot of the boxes are very shaky and not confident. If you did not do the 250 box challenge, I would highly recommend doing that as soon as possible. If you did the challenge, it might be essential to review the challenge and do some more boxes until they are confident and you get a sense how to draw boxes easily.

Organic Intersections: These are pretty nice! On one of them, you only hook your contour curves on one side and don’t hook it on the other, though. Also, the shadows could be improved, remember to draw the shadows with ghosted confident lines (like you would any other line in drawabox) and then fill it in after. Also, the shadows could project onto the forms under it a bit better, like this:


Sorry if I came off too harsh here. I want to make sure you know what you are doing and what you need to do to improve, and I will suggest some re-dos for you to try to fix your mistakes.

Next Steps:

Do one texture analysis exercise and one page of dissections, re-read the material and apply the corrections I suggested.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
9:23 PM, Thursday August 3rd 2023

Hello there, thank you for the critique and I don't think that it was harsh at all, I know that you wanted only the texture analysis and the dissections but after seeing my past submission I couldn't not redo the lesson in it's entirety https://imgur.com/a/rbutFY6 sorry for taking an eternity and a half to reply school kind of got in the way

1:42 AM, Tuesday August 8th 2023

First of all, nice job actually follwing through and improving your skill. These are a big improvement, The main thing I was worried about was your line confidence, and it seems to have gotten a bit better although it could still be improved. Also, I told you that the transition from your light to dark textures could be smoother in the texture analysis exercise, they are an improvement but I can still distincly see where the line of dark ends and starts.

Other then that, Nice work, and make sure to do the 250 box challenge if you still havent.

Next Steps:

do the 250 boxes!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
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Framed Ink

Framed Ink

I'd been drawing as a hobby for a solid 10 years at least before I finally had the concept of composition explained to me by a friend.

Unlike the spatial reasoning we delve into here, where it's all about understanding the relationships between things in three dimensions, composition is all about understanding what you're drawing as it exists in two dimensions. It's about the silhouettes that are used to represent objects, without concern for what those objects are. It's all just shapes, how those shapes balance against one another, and how their arrangement encourages the viewer's eye to follow a specific path. When it comes to illustration, composition is extremely important, and coming to understand it fundamentally changed how I approached my own work.

Marcos Mateu-Mestre's Framed Ink is among the best books out there on explaining composition, and how to think through the way in which you lay out your work.

Illustration is, at its core, storytelling, and understanding composition will arm you with the tools you'll need to tell stories that occur across a span of time, within the confines of a single frame.

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