Very nicce work! Your linework is extremely concise and clean, and you're demonstrating an excellent use of the ghosting method to achieve both control and confidence with your marks. Overall I am seeing an improvement in your estimation of your convergences in a number of areas, though there are some issues that jumped out at me as well:

  • There are a bunch of cases where you've got some of your line extensions extending in the wrong direction. For example, 247, 243, 226, etc. This will definitely hinder your progress as you need to be extending them back in space in order to properly assess whether or not your lines are converging properly, and how to improve upon them.

  • You do still have a number of cases where your lines converge more in pairs, rather than all four of a given set converging together. For example, if we look at 250, the lines off to the left are clearly going to meet at two separate points. When drawing these, you were focusing more on them in pairs (thinking about the lines that shared a plane together), rather than thinking about all four lines at the same time. Thinking about all four - even those that haven't yet been drawn - and how they need to be oriented in order to converge at a single point will help you continue to progress more quickly.

Other than that, nice work.