Hi intexx, good job on finishing the lesson! Here are my builds for your work.

Lines - OK!

To avoid fraying, make sure to start your line from the dot you have placed.

Your planes can be more confident. To do this, make sure to draw from your shoulder and don't hesitate midway through drawing the lines.

Ellipses - OK!

I have no issues with these, just remember to ghost your ellipses carefully next time so there is less chances of them going out of the plane's bounds.

Boxes - Just some reminders for next time!

For the rough perspective: width lines and height lines are always parallel and perpendicular to the horizon line respectively. This can help you plot your rectangle points better next time.

For your rotated boxes, keep the corners of the boxes closer together, and follow a circular square silhouette as you get to your last box. This will give a better impression that they are indeed rotating, and changing degrees as they go towards the side. Here's a reference you may refer to: https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/9a16c189.jpg

Your organic perspective boxes can have more variety. Remember that as your boxes approach the front lines, they get bigger, and smaller if lines are farther in the back. This will help sell the impression that there is depth going on in your image.

Hope this helps and keep doing your best!