Hi Sammy!

Feeling the challenge is good! That is how you you know you are learning.

First, your ribbons are fantastic. There is a lot of depth and movement presented to the viewer. Make sure you watch your heights when creating your parallel lines. Some parts of your ribbons are bowing out and breaks the three-dimensional aspects of your form over all.

Branches are looking good. Center line is going through most of the minor axes in your ellipses. You are rotating your ellipses as well. Watch the ellipses around your "knots" though. These look a bit rushed and it is not forming around the two starting ellipses.

Leaf structure is fine. One leaf looks like twisting ribbon though. I struggled a lot with this as well. It breaks that natural feeling you get with some of your other leafs. I went back over and did one page of purely constructional leaf forms to experiment with various positions in 3D space to get more comfortable with it.

One thing I do want to point out is your texturing. You don't need to outline the entire form with texturing. It feels more like fringes than broken parts of the leaf. The bottom right leaf especially suffers from this. Try breaking up the texturing a bit with some clean lines in between and you will see improvement.

If you want to learn more these two books will teach you everything you need to know about ink/fine liner texturing.



Your constructional drawings are fantastic. Just make sure you are keeping even width on you stems. There is some bowing out in areas that creates irregularities.

Same goes with your detailed constructional drawings. They look incredible. I got lost in staring at the daisy's / sunflowers for couple minutes. Excellent work on these.

Overall, you completed this assignment in my opinion. Marking as complete. Watch that texturing though. The fringes really break the naturalness that you have established with some of your other compositions. I don't think extra revisions are needed but I think you would benefit from rereading this exercise: https://drawabox.com/lesson/3/2/exerciseleaves

Really focus on the jagged edges he creates in the first image on the "Leafs exercise".

Nice job! Keep up the hard work.
