1. Your superimposed lines are rough in a few places, remember that you're trying to start from one somewhat precise point and branch out.

  2. Your ghosted lines are alright. Just remember that if you're overshooting, to lift your pen off the paper as you execute the stroke.

  3. Your ellipses are rough, but that's okay because they take a lot of work. Just remember that they need to be touching all four edges of the box/plane they're in, and also that they depend a lot on the shoulder pivot!

  4. Your one point and plotted perspective is alright. Some odd shading you use though

  5. Your rotated box exercise is a little messy, although pretty natural for most first attempts at this exercise. Just remember those boxes at the end of the axes are supposed to be completely rotated boxes where you can only see one side, they come in handy as a good reference point for how far your "sphere" needs to go.

  6. Your organic perspective is also a little messy. Remember the Y method that is shown along with it, and that most lines will converge on a vanishing point. I can send you a video that helped me with boxes.

All this being said, I'd recommend that you add some ghosted planes with ellipses or some short organic perspective into your warmups. Remember lesson 0, don't grind these things out! Just a small warmup is all that's needed.

Overall, a good set of homework, but it needs just a little practice on cleaner lines is all, you got this