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2:33 AM, Tuesday December 27th 2022
Hello, I'll be critiquing your work today.
Starting off with the Superimposed Lines, it's clear that you are getting used to an unfamiliar way of drawing. There is a good diversity of curves, which is always appreciated. There is some arching in the horizontal lines of the second page, so remember to use your shoulder as you draw. Next, the Ghosted Lines are great. The same advice as before applies here as well. Finally, the Ghosted Planes are also great, with the same advice as before applying here as well. Overall, great start.
The two Tables of Ellipses show great effort to keep ellipses inside their bounds, which is excellent. Each ellipse is drawn over 2 or 3 times, and each box is filled up. Some of the ellipses are wobbly, so remember to ghost each ellipse thoroughly and draw with your shoulder, just like the lines of the previous section. Onto the Ellipses in Planes, aside from the previous advice, the second page has many ellipses "floating" ( Lastly, the funnels are good. Each ellipse is bisected by the midline, and they are kept within the bounding curves. This section is good, just remember that the smoothness and confidence of an ellipse is your top priority (
The Plotted Perspective exercise is done very well. The boxes are undistored, and the hatching is tidy. The Rough Perspective boxes are good Their width and height lines are parallel and perpedicular to the horizon respectively. However, lines should not be repeated and mistakes should not be corrected (like the box that has been scratched out) and should be continued with, so avoid doing that in the future. Also, the lines extending to the vanishing point need to stop at the horizon. The Rotated Boxes are well done, each box is rotated and is kept close to its neighbour. These two are tough exercises, so good work. Finally, on the Organic Perspective, I can see that you are becoming comfortable with arbitrary drawing boxes. Drawing through the boxes is also greatly appreciated. The same thing about correcting mistakes is relevant to both pages of this exercise as well, but I like the little happy faces at the end.
Great start. These exercises show that you are taking the first steps into this course. Some final reminders to draw with your shoulder, and ghost until you are confident with the mark you're going to make. Ellipses will benefit from this since they are a little wobbly, and it will also help in constructing boxes, of which you have to draw 250 of them next.
Next Steps:
250 Box Challenge
Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens
Like the Staedtlers, these also come in a set of multiple weights - the ones we use are F. One useful thing in these sets however (if you can't find the pens individually) is that some of the sets come with a brush pen (the B size). These can be helpful in filling out big black areas.
Still, I'd recommend buying these in person if you can, at a proper art supply store. They'll generally let you buy them individually, and also test them out beforehand to weed out any duds.