
Arrows - Make sure to add extra line weight to the line on top. This clarifies what your arrow is doing! The perspective looks good though.

Contour ellipses - Most of your ellipses look the same degree. Once you vary the degrees in a sausage, the sausage will have the illusion of turning in space. If you can't imagine the form turning before adding ellipses, just vary the degrees anyway and see how it changes how the sausage appears.

Texture - Remember that texture is basically just drawing a bunch of cast shadows. This means that for the tiger, you wouldn't draw the black stripes, but you would draw the cast shadows of the fur. It also says to avoid shading. I interpreted this as saying we can only use two colors: black and white. There are multiple textures (lettuce, metal, octopus) where you use hatching to transition from black to white. I don't think this is necessary, especially in your pumpkin and lettuce texture. You were able to communicate the texture with your solid black lines. For the pumpkin I don't think you needed to add some hatching to indicate that the form is turning away, you could already tell in the way you adhered to the contours of the surface. It looks like the shading was just decorative, which we are supposed to avoid, since the Drawabox course has nothing to do with light or rendering. I would recommend rewatching the shading video if you haven't. If you try to shade in future lessons it will just distract you from the real purpose of the exercises and you'll progress slower.

Construction - Good job on the form intersections. For the organic intersections, make sure to add line weight to lines that are not blocked to make the image more visually clear. Be aware of how cast shadows follow the contour ellipses of the surface they are projected on.

Good job! Keep practicing contour ellipses especially, I think you're ready for the next lesson.