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10:08 PM, Sunday November 7th 2021

Hi there. I'll be handling your box challenge critique.

Not only does the challenge help deepen your understanding of important concepts but it shows your desire to learn as well. That being said I'll try to keep this critique fairly brief so you can get working on the next steps as soon as possible.

Things you did well:

  • Most of your lines by the end of the challenge are looking smooth and confident.

  • I can tell you're trying to keep your hatching lines evenly spaced and tidy rather than just rushing them on to the page.

  • It's nice to see that you're experimenting with orientations, proportions and rates of foreshortening. Experimenting is an important part of the learning process and helps us form a more well rounded understanding of new concepts. This is an important habit to build and one that I hope you continue to display in the future.

Things you can work on:

  • You're attempting to redraw lines when you make mistakes at times. It's important that we learn to work with our mistakes, not only are they valuable and teach us a lot but trying to correct them often just draws attention to them and makes them our work look messy.

  • Line weight isn't a requirement of the challenge but most people need a bit of mileage before they feel comfortable appllying it. It's definitely something worth experimenting with to help build up that mileage and see better results sooner.

  • There are times where you're imaginging your vanishing point between the viewer and the box, this results in your lines being extending in the wrong direction and diverging from their actual vanishing point which distorts your box. Here's a guide I wrote that will hopefully help you place vanishing points and lines more consistently in the future.

  • There are times when your lines converge in pairs or you attempt to keep your lines a bit too parallel which results in them diverging. This is an example of lines converging in pairs, and this shows the relation between each line in a set and their respective vanishing point. The inner pair of lines will be quite similar unless the box gets quite long and the outer pair can vary a lot depending on the location of the vanishing point. Move it further away and the lines become closer to parallel while moving it closer increases the rate of foreshortening

The key things we want to remember from this exercise are that our lines should always converge as a set not in pairs, never diverge from the vanishing point and due to perspective they won't be completely parallel.

I won't be moving you on to the next lesson just yet, each lesson builds off concepts in the previous course material so if you move forward with un-addressed issues you end up just creating further issues on top of them.

I'd like you to draw 20 more boxes please. Take your time, draw large, be sure to experiment with orientations, proportions and rates of foreshortening while trying to keep your vanishing points placed consistently in the right direction.

You may also find it beneficial to orientate your boxes in a way where your lines don't all extend through surrounding boxes. Some overlap is expected of course but at times it gets quite difficult to follow your work and will make it difficult for you to notice any mistakes you made as well.

Once you've completed your boxes reply to this critique with a link to them, I'll address anything that needs to be worked on and once you've shown you're ready I'll move you on to the next lesson.

I know you can do this and look forward to seeing your work.

Next Steps:

20 more boxes please

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
3:02 PM, Wednesday November 24th 2021

OK thanks, will work on the 20 boxes and send it through when done.

5:06 AM, Thursday November 25th 2021

Just replying to this quickly because sometimes people reply to themselves when handing in revisions and we don't get the notification when they do.

Best of luck!

12:43 PM, Tuesday December 21st 2021

Thanks, I only finished it now. here is the link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/7en913lkwimdfh0/20%20boxes.pdf?dl=0

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Rapid Viz

Rapid Viz

Rapid Viz is a book after mine own heart, and exists very much in the same spirit of the concepts that inspired Drawabox. It's all about getting your ideas down on the page, doing so quickly and clearly, so as to communicate them to others. These skills are not only critical in design, but also in the myriad of technical and STEM fields that can really benefit from having someone who can facilitate getting one person's idea across to another.

Where Drawabox focuses on developing underlying spatial thinking skills to help facilitate that kind of communication, Rapid Viz's quick and dirty approach can help students loosen up and really move past the irrelevant matters of being "perfect" or "correct", and focus instead on getting your ideas from your brain, onto the page, and into someone else's brain as efficiently as possible.

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