Although this is my first time critiquing a submission, at the least I can identify mistakes that would had helped me when doing the 250 box challenge.

For the ghosted lines, asides from the mess, you did really well, although some lines do wobble slightly, you will get the hang of it quickly and executing a line will be the least of your problems later on.

For the ghosted planes you did well, although there are some ellipses that you weren’t as confident and try to fix.

I advise you to not “fix” anything like if it were a sketch, although I don’t see it that mistake often, you will definitely feel the urge to fix a line later in in the course, is a tough habit to break out of and it takes a bit of time, but you should be mindful about it.

With the table of ellipses and funnels, the only things I notice is some sharp angle from some of the ellipses, that only come from using the wrist,

Not that using the wrist is the absolute worst, but with bigger ellipses , is better to use the elbow or shoulder, asides from that, you did a good job.

In the entirety of your submission, your plotted, rough and organic perspective are were some of your problems are most apparent, asides from the rotated perspective, which I will get out the way, you did an AMAZING job at it.( the top half that is).

For the other 3 pages, the perspective aren’t the problem I will be focusing, as the 250 box challenge is there for a reason, the main problem are the lines and confidence.

For the plotted lines ,like I said at the start of this critique, you tend to try and “fix” the lines and the issue is more prevalent than in the earlier exercise.

I advise you to stray away trying to fix any lines as it hurts your confidence in making lines, you can see the mistakes I mentioned especially in the backcorners of your box

Although is a hard habit to break out of, I personally still struggle with it a bit, that will be an issue that will get worse the more mentally challenged you will be with more difficulty stuff.

There is also the issue with curved, wobbly,and scratchy lines. You can improve and those 3 line issues by thinking of yourself as a swords man and the pen as your trusty blade (not so trusty once the pen dries up). Swinging your blade at the direction you want to strike at with only a single stroke, you may not be perfect at first but you will get better at it the more you do it……….

And yes….. if you ever got to read uncomfortable unsolicited advice, i got the swordsman advice from here:

That is all the critiques I can conceive as of now,

I apologize if I ever sound like I am nitpicking , I just wanted to make this as in-depth as I possibly can, most of the issue you will probably just fix naturally if I told you or not, but still brought it up to make you aware of it.

If I have one last thing to say before finishing this is when doing the assignments, try not to have multiple different assignments in one page like you did with the ghosted and super imposed lines.

If I had to give you praise, I am still amazed with the rotated boxes.

And with all that said you have finally reached the conclusion of this seemingly never ending critique

(Apologies if there any spelling mistake)