Howdy, TA qzhans here!

Congratulations on running another 100 times into the box gauntlet!

You’ve painstakingly drawn through all your boxes and extended every single last line out to check your errors, and your boxes have been better for it. Overall, you improve through the set, both in linework and convergences.

Your linework in general is clean and confident. There were some places at the start where I saw some re-drawn lines or patched up ones, but that seemed to clear up towards the end. You still have some arcing in your linework, but I'm pleased to see that you worked around it rather than trying to cover it up somehow with more lines, etc.

I do think you could’ve experimented with lineweight more on the silhouettes of your boxes to help them pop out. You have kind of a weird read issue due to your pen kind of dying, so sometimes the inside lines are actually thicker than the outside ones. This could have been dealt with by just going over another time on those outside lines.

Also, although you've done a pretty good job with convergences, some of your middle back lines are still stubbornly not jumping in line with the rest of them. That’s okay, and is something that gets ironed out over time, but I’ll offer some advice. When you go to draw a line, think only about the lines that are supposed to be parallel to it (share a vanishing point). Lines closer to an existing line will converge slower, while the opposite is true for lines further away.

In general, I’m not seeing any egregious errors that should stop you from moving onto Lesson 2. Good luck on the rest of Drawabox!