Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

11:46 PM, Wednesday January 20th 2021

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Post with 34 views. Draw a Box - Lesson 1

Took longer than I expected, but here it is. It's been 5 years since the last time I tried this, but this time I'm gonna finish all lessons. Next step, the 250 boxes of hell...

3 users agree
5:49 PM, Thursday January 21st 2021

Hi I took a look at your homework, and this is overall pretty good.

So for the lines nice work over-all, in the superimposed lines there is a bit of fraying on the starting point here and there so make sure to take your time to put your pen at the starting point for every line, but it shouldn't bee too much of an issue. However, one thing that I can see in this exercice and that is still here at the end on the boxes is that you are slightly arching your lines, it might be because you are not used to using the shoulder pivot, so watch out for that, maybe try to keep your wrist and elbow "locked" when doing longer lines, however if you are drawing from your shoulder and there is still arching try to compensate for it by arching in the opposite direction like it is said in the course.

In this exercise your line are way less confident, we can see that you were trying to be accurate more than

doing a straight line.

In the ghosted planes we can clearly see the progression, your lines are way better, they are more confident and they remain pretty accurate, good job ! (Just be careful when ghosting to not get your pen in contact with the paper, there is a few mark on the pages along the lines that I suppose are due to that.)

for the elipse table, this is pretty good, your drawn multiple time the ellipse like asked, and your ellispes

fit pretty snugly inside their boundaries, their is a bit of overlapping but it's not a big deal.

Ellipse in planes however the ellipses fit less the boundaries, which is understandable because the shape

of the planes is a bit arbitrary so it makes it harder, Some of those are pretty good though !

Watch out on the funnel exercice in corners, sometime the middle axis doesn't cut the ellipses in half, but that's

not really because your ellipses are bad, it's more due to the axis being misplaced.

For the boxes, but you have to be careful,your lines are arching a lot, I think it's because you tried to be accurate again, try to be more confident, it's ok to miss the mark. Finally on the rotated boxes, some boxes are not rotating, I think it's ok for now since your understanding of perspective is just going to get better as you do the 250 boxes challenge. Just try to keep an eye out for boxes being too similar when doing it.


lines : Pretty good exercises, just be careful to always be confident with your lines and remember ; Confident lines are better than accurate ones (The more you draw, the more you build muscle memories, the more your lines will be accurate, so don't worry too much about that for now and just try your best to reach the other point with a single straight confident line)

Ellipses : Pretty good, fit the boundaries well, not too much overlapping, a bit worse on the ghosted planes which is normal.

Boxes : Lines are less confident once again, really try to ghost as much as necessary and draw your lines with one single smooth motion, like you did on the ghosted planes. Your perspective is not very good so that's why it is mandatory that you do the 250 boxes as perspective is the foundation on which everything lays.

Congratulation on completing lesson 1 (and sorry for my english)

Next Steps:

Be sure to keep doing some of this exercises as warmup, I think doing a ghosted plane + an ellipse inside of it is a good one. 250 boxes must be done, be sure to ask for feedback regularly and analyse your boxes before each sitting to spot your mistakes and be aware of them during the session.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
8:08 PM, Thursday January 21st 2021

Thanks for the feedback! I've been doing the ghosted plane + ellipses as a warmup sometimes, and I'm going to keep doing it as a warmup when I'm drawing the 250 boxes. I think that my lines were worse on the boxes because the smaller the line is, the harder it is for me to do them with my shoulder so I really need to practice more. Thanks again!

10:42 PM, Thursday January 21st 2021

If the line is small don't bother using your shoulder. You should adapt which joint you are using depending on the length of the line, so a very small line should be drawn from the wrist, a medium from the elbow and a long one from the shoulder. It's nice to get used to drawing from your shoulder but don't do it on smaller lines (like I wouldn't draw from the shoulder below 15cm) because it's just gonna make it harder for you.

Good luck on the 250 boxes !

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