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9:27 AM, Thursday January 12th 2023

Hey no problem, keep the questions coming if you got them.

When I said Incorporate into an actual drawing I meant use the knowledge you've gained from studies and utilize it in the art you actually want to make. If you want to make art that is centered around a character you should go for it even if you've only learned the torso. Because a lack of knowledge shouldn't stop you from making the art you want to make. It may turn out bad but that's completely okay, if you learn from your mistakes you will get better, what matters most is that you enjoy the process of drawing. This is all kind of tied back to the 50% rule from drawabox which is essentially drawing for the sake of drawing.

But if you've only learned the torso I would learn how to simplify each body part so you at least have something to go off of (morpho books are good for this).

If you are still struggling to figure out what to draw one thing that could help is to ask yourself why you started drawing in the first place. That will most likely tell you the things you want to draw.

Also you can do anything you want in the rotation exercise as long as you find it useful.

11:50 AM, Thursday January 12th 2023
edited at 1:26 PM, Jan 12th 2023

I really appreciate and thank you for all the information that you have shared with me till now

From the start , I was quite interested in animating the fights that my mind produce, mostly with swords or any weaponry. Till now I have thought as many fight scenes as my age in years but didn't try to put a single mark to replicate it.

And I know that being knowledgeable about the human figures is its core and that's a difficult path that my mind has chosen to walk on. That's why after completion of the drawabox course , I would start with figure stuff.

I was thinking whether I should involve the fights and stick figures in the 50 percent rule !!

Moreover I am also interested in knowing why you started drawing at the first place

It would be ABSOLUTE banger if drawabox included the figure part again in its course!!!

edited at 1:26 PM, Jan 12th 2023
1:38 AM, Friday January 13th 2023

No problem!

If you are interested in animating fights I suggest you check this website out it has a lot of useful stuff which will help with animation and figure drawing in general.

I also had the same idea as you, to start with figure stuff after drawabox but I think if it's possible you should start learning it now. The figure takes years to get good at so the sooner you start the better. There are an endless amount of resources for learning the figure but all that matters is that you pick one you like and stick with it. If you are interested in some places to start, you can start with Morpho / Loomis / Vilppu / Hampton etc. they pretty much all say the same thing so all that really matters is that you like the instructor and you take their advice to heart while also copying all of their drawings in their books several times over.

As to why I started drawing, I simply wanted to get the scenes I would visualize out of my head and onto a page. I was also inspired by the amazing illustrations from games I used to play a while ago so I'm aiming to become an illustrator / character designer. If I'd have known how important figure drawing was when I started drawing 7 months ago I would have started then instead of now. So while I don't regret doing drawabox I think it's better if you study the figure while doing it instead of after.

Also it's possible to see the drawabox lessons from 8 onwards but they were removed for a good reason and you will learn much more if you get a figure drawing book you like and learn from that instead.

5:13 AM, Friday January 13th 2023

Actually it's hard for me to maintain doing drawabox lessons, left alone the 50 percent one.

Moreover it will become more complex for me if I start doing figures along with drawabox.

That's why i was asking whether should I draw figures in 50 percent rather than the drawing prompts!

But after completing it I have planned a 6 to7 years complete schedule for figure, like a plan for free, gathered from different resources because I don't have any MONEY.

HERE IS MY PLAN if you are interested-

Gathering basic information about humans(like torso one)- 1year

Love Life Drawing( beginner series, fresh eyes, assignment list)- 3 years

Curriculum for solo artist- 3 years.

After all this I would see what I lake (must be background or so) and after that animation and then posting on media for money!!

For like books, l usually take less care as I hate reading!! Moreover I there were to be any books they are in pdf form!

If you have some other FREE resource that you think I should include , you can tell me ????

Here is an unsolicited advice : if you are thinking of joining a specific gaming company in character design,

You should try learning the style and design of a specific gaming company. A league of legend company will never apoint a call of duty type of artist!!

6:25 AM, Sunday January 15th 2023

I am hoping if you can guide me through some queries I have presented before!!????????

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