Partial Lesson 1 Submission (2 / 10 exercises)

10:54 PM, Friday June 5th 2020

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Post with 7 views. Draw a Box Lesson 1 (Ghosted Lines, Ghosted Elipses a...

I'm using the Kuretake Zig Extra Fine Letter Pen

I think fresh out of the box it's a .3 and after use flattens to a .5

This is the pen my instructor used in Dynamic Sketching 1.

I notice that I lose ink saturation in the body of the stroke.

On the last set of planes I used a .3 staedtler.

Will order a pack of .5 soon to make sure I'm getting most out of the assignment.

Quite happy with the line quality. And lots of little victories. I have improved much since I took DS1 last year.


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Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals

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