Hi Lucas, overall good job and congrats finishing first lesson :)


Lines are looking p good overall, though you have some long ones that are arching a bit. This can happen because you might not be using your shoulder as your main pivot so check you're doing it. Another thing that can help to fix this is to try to arch consciously to the the opposite side when drawing the lines.


Ellipses are a bit wobbly at times. Remember that in ellipses as well as lines you should try to do them as confident as you can, don't hesitate in sacrificing accuracy to get them smoother and more confident.


Rough perspective good job keeping vertical lines perpendicular and horizontal lines parallel to the horizon.

Boxes are fine too.

Your main issue is perspective, which is completely fine, as you'll work on it in 250 boxes challenge.

Also in rotated boxes the gap should be consistent)

Good job overall and good luck ;)