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9:10 PM, Thursday May 9th 2024
edited at 10:09 PM, May 9th 2024

Thank you so much man, I really appreaciate your time, and honestly I expected revisions and that line confidence was a big problem for me, I don't have any physical problem so this is all on me

I'll do the revisions as soon as I can

Just one thing, what do you mean by "free ellipses"? just drawing a bunch of them randomly on a piece of paper?

edited at 10:09 PM, May 9th 2024
10:17 PM, Thursday May 9th 2024
edited at 10:22 PM, May 9th 2024

Yep, like this:

A good rule of thumb is that if a task is difficult enough that it's just not working for you, find a way to make doing the main important part simpler. Then when you get that, try the harder thing again.

Also, I highly recommend finding an accountability buddy who is on a similar lesson/timetable. I spend a couple of weeks finding a group, and would have given up many times over without them. I just finished lesson 7, and another guy in the group is working on his last vehicle. You may go through a few people--just find them in whichever lesson sub you're in.

This course really does take over a year. Also, don't worry if you don't do the entire thing this time around--even getting through half of it is hugely beneficial.

The Lesson 2 texture unit is a difficult roadblock--when you get through that, Lesson 3 is more straightforward. The difficulty also ramps up with your skill level, so it's hard the whole time and it may feel like you aren't improving, but you really are. It shows when you do stuff outside of drawabox. Heck, even if all you get out of this is line confidence, that's worth the time spent.

edited at 10:22 PM, May 9th 2024
10:49 PM, Friday May 10th 2024

I did a couple more than requested because I felt like I needed them. Any new instructions?

11:33 PM, Friday May 10th 2024

Yes! That is much improved! Keep doing those things as warmups (you can alternate days of doing lines or ellipses, or just do a bit of both each warmup--doesn't really matter).

Next Steps:

250 boxes. Your lines and ellipses will continue to improve over the next few months of warming up and box making.

Make sure to do some 50% rule stuff so you don't burn out on boxes.

If you join the discord, there is a critique exchange where you can give 5 critiques on a lesson you've completed, then request being added to a spreadsheet that gets priority. They have a guide on how to critique the first few lessons, so you don't have to be super lost. You also need to post some other stuff, like a 50% rule image.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 5 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
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