Bless me Art Father, for I have sinned. It has been over 24 hours since I drew my last box in the 250 box challenge. I offer this critique as penance for my sins.

Superimposed Lines: Solid. The pages are full with a variety of lines. We do have some lines that fray on both ends. Be certain to carefully put your pen down before making your stroke.

Ghosted Lines: Alright. You have the points ploted and are following the one line, one stroke rule, which is good. There does appear to be a slight curvature to some of your lines however. Remember to rotate your page and find the most comfortable angle to attack from when using your shoulder.

Tables of Ellipses: We got some problems with this one. Continue to draw through them twice but focus on a nice smooth motion from your shoulder. I would also recommend after drawing your first ellipse start the next one on the edge of that ellipse. Worst case scenario, your aim will be off and the ellipses will be overlapping too much, but the best case is that you hit your marks and the ellipses are neatly touching one another.

Funnels: This is a real tough one and ultimately will only improve with practice. With that said it's not all that bad of an effort. Even though not all of them are touching a good deal of them are not slanting which is problem a lot of us have, myself included, (When the ellipse slants the minor axis will not create two equal halves). Just keep focusing on creating smoothness with your shoulder and be wary of the few instances that you do have some tilt to your ellipses.

Plotted Perspective: Overall very nice. There does seem like one back line got away from you. This is usually because one or more of the lines are not perfectly hitting those VPs. Always take your time on this one and enjoy this precious time with a ruler because it's going to be taken away in...

Rough Perspective: So good news first. Your drawing through the boxes and your using guidelines to mark your way back to the vanishing point to track your mistakes. We do however, have some wobbly lines on the construction of these boxes. Try not to focus on too many things at once. First things first, plot your points and hit them in one confident stroke. What has really helped me on this exercise is to keep in mind that all horizontal lines will be parallel to the horizon line, and all vertical lines will be perpendicular to it. The straighter and truer you can make these lines, the sturdier your box's construction will be.

Rotated Boxes: Not too shabby. The line quality needs work but hey! That's why we're here. I like how you continue to plot points and by in large stick to the one line, one stroke rule. I will add that even though hatching is optional at this early juncture, it's probably a good idea to get into the habit of practicing it now.

Organic Perspective: Next time you revisit this exercise, make a conscious effort to have a greater size differential between the boxes in distance and the boxes closer to us. Again this is a tough exercise and we will learn much more about box construction in the 250 box challenge.

Overall Thoughts: Solid. You completed the exercises and made you best attempt to follow the instructions. Just be sure to keep practicing these exercises in 10 to 20 minute intervals before each drawing session. With time and practice line quality and accuracy should improve. Good luck in the 250 box challenge. Cheers and happy drawing.