A very good submission overall!

I really liked the line progress (there was some visible arcing earlier, but it kept improving as the exercises went on).

Your ellipses are confident and smooth, keep up the practice and slowly tighten them as you continue the lesson! Never stop drawing through.

Your boxed ellipses are a little shaky, but it is understandable at this stage. This is where ghosting becomes imperative. Do not let the box intimidate you, you've proven already to yourself that you can draw them confidently. Stop thinking of the box, ghost and ghost again, then draw! Keep this in mind for future warm-ups.

Funnels: Very good alignment overall, and good smoothness. However you didn't vary the degree a bit, making the funnel look "flatter". The degree of the ellipse gives us the curve that is visible to the viewer, and by varying it you can create the illusion of a funnel that grows bigger in space, not just a sheet of paper. For your future warm-ups, play with the degree. Start from barely a line, and end in practically a circle.

Your perspective exercises follow the instructions and are done with good focus. Remember to keep checking for corrections, only it after some time has passed (at worst, do it once the whole page/exercise is done. But never on spot!).

Your rotated boxes have a small problem, which is they use the same VP! This is technically wrong, as we try to rotate the box in 3D space and not in a 2D plane. As such, the VP should move accordingly to the rotational axis to the box. Rotate it on the x axis right-wards, and the VP goes to the let. Rotate it on the y axis upwards, and it goes down. And so on. Keep this in mind for your warm-ups!

The organic perspective is quite well done. The boxes are constructed confidently, and they follow perspective decently well. There are some construction faults, but these will be ironed out in the next step.

Keep up the good work! I think this is a solid PASS!