Hi there, I'll be handling your lesson 1 critique.

Starting off with your Lines section.

This is a decent start with the super imposed lines, you do struggle with longer and curved lines which is normal. Your accuracy will improve and you'll reduce fraying as you practice this more in the future. While not extreme you do appear to get some fraying at your starting point as well which may be a sign you're going about this a bit hastily so just remember to take the time to line your pen up with your starting point and plan your line accordingly.

Moving into the ghosted lines and planes exercises you have seemed to taken a step in the right direction as far as planning goes, you're hitting your starting point more consistently which is great. Your lines are looking confident without wobbling, you do get a tiny bit of arcing in places (mainly the longer lines) which is a sign that you may not be fully comfortable with using your shoulder just yet, but I have no doubt with more mileage and actively trying to use your shoulder you'll build the muscle memory required in no time.

On to your Ellipses section.

I'm happy to see that you're experimenting with shapes and sizes in this section as well as the fact that most of your ellipses are looking nice and round instead of suffering from pinched ends or squared edges. With that being said your ellipses are looking very loose (especially in the table of ellipses exercise) While they will tighten up with more mileage, I worry you may be tackling these very quickly instead of ghosting a few times and properly planning the ellipse the best you can. Remember that for every mark we make we should take the time to plan and ghost a few times before lowering the pen and creating our mark in a single confident motion using the shoulder.

Good attempt at the funnels exercise, just remember that you want to try your best to keep the ellipses divided equally by the funnel's central minor axis. It's a very common mistake for people to make as they do this exercise as a warm up later on, you can read more about it here.

Lastly let's look over your Boxes.

Great job on the plotted perspective exercise.

This is a decent start with the rough perspective exercise, but I'll point out a couple of things I notice. I can see you're trying but you want to make sure you do your best to have your horizontal lines parallel and vertical lines perpendicular to the horizon line, proper planning is important to keeping your boxes looking solid here. Your correction lines do end up in the are of the vanishing point which is great as it shows you have an understanding of the perspective concepts being taught here, you may find it beneficial to stop the correction line once you've hit the horizon though as continuing past it can lead to a bit of a mess which makes it harder to see your mistakes.

The last two exercises are meant to be a challenge at this point, so completing them is always an accomplishment itself.

In the rotated box exercise you did manage to achieve some rotation, it could be pushed further especially in the corner sections but this is where we expect the most trouble. One thing to keep an eye on is you want to do your best to maintain even spacing between each box. By doing so we can use nearby boxes as a bit of a guide to determine where our next lines should be headed and prevent things from falling apart.

As for the organic perspective exercise, you have demonstrated an understanding of the concept that the further a box is from the viewer the smaller it gets. Your boxes here could use some work in terms of looking more solid as well as having them line up with their vanishing points correctly but this is a good start and you'll learn more about those concepts in the upcoming material.

Overall I believe you have shown an understanding of the lesson material so far, you just need some more mileage as well as possibly spending more time planning before committing to your lines. I'll be marking your lesson as complete and moving you on to the 250 box challenge where you'll gain a better understanding of working and constructing in 3D space as well as working with multiple vanishing points.

Keep doing previous exercises as warm ups and good luck!