Hey Rewillion! Congratz on finishing Lesson 1, amazing work.

First, amazing job on your lines. Out of all the things within the lesson, your lines are high quality - very little wobble, pretty solid accuracy, good work overall.

Very solid improvement in your ellipses as well, seems like this is the area you have struggled the most and improved the most. You have visibly reduced wobble in your ellipses by the time you get to the funnels. Good job!

Since your lines are of great quality and will only improve with practice, I need you to pay attention to couple of other elements of this lesson: patience, attention to detail and being able to move forward.

First, look at all of your straight lines starting with Ghosted Lines exercise all the way to the Organic Perspective exercise. Note that you repeat your lines over and over and over. Remember the initial instruction - once your pen touches the paper, all of your opportunity to correct your mistakes has passed, you make a mark, and leave it.

The reason it is so important is because of two factors: first, when you make a mark, you can assess any potential mistakes you have made and move on to the next line to put your newfound knowledge to practice. Repeating the same line over and over will make it into a habit (that is not much different from chicken scratching as mentioned by Uncomfortable) and will both hide your mistakes from proper analysis (to be able to learn from it) AND will drag attention to themselves, and how much effort went into fixing those.

All that effort could be instead used to do your best and learn from new lines.

The second factor is stress. Trying to perfect a line over and over will leave a mark on your mental energy, and the more you "perfect" a single line over and over on a page full of lines, the more tiring it will be and the less energy you will have to learn from your mistakes.

So, when you catch yourself making a second mark over the first, no big deal, just remember to tell yourself "one mark only", and remind yourself that when you are about to move on to the next line.

Note that in the Plotted Perspective exercise, some boxes miss lines, and some lines are placed wrongly, for example - you placed the back lines in the wrong place because you forgot to make a corner line in the correct place - in the top panel its the 2nd box from the right, and in the bottom panel its the second box from the left. Not a big deal, however do pay close attention to those details, and take your time, rushing through the exercises will show up in your drawings, for example the one missing line in your Rough Perspective boxes.

Last thing I want to mention is the relative size of your Organic Perspective boxes. Your boxes are mostly uniform, and it is often hard to tell which ones are closer and which are farther, don't be afraid to be more extreme with your sizes. By the time you get to the second page it's clear you have improvements, and this exercise is supposed to be tough - just something to note, and move on.

Again, amazing work with your lines, very admirable line quality. I will ask for a couple of simple revisions purely for you to internalize some of the concepts mentioned above.

(Also, a question, is there a chance while doing your homework your pen has been giving out and that's why you have been repeating your lines so much? Either way, it is something to note and to work to improve, and maybe get more pens if yours is dying :P)