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2:40 AM, Thursday July 16th 2020

Hi there, you're welcome!

Okay open this image :

First, good job for the number 2. Even if those lines touched others, you did well not changing their directions because those lines were delimiting other faces.

For the number 3, you missed an edge. Your intersection touched an edge of the box on the right, which was supposed the make the intersection deviate. There, I put 2 examples of what you could have done. They seem similar because the angle vary only slightly but in one example, the line I point is parallel to the edges of the box on the right and in the other example, the edge of the other box.

For the number 1, I broke my rule of the intersections needing to be parallel. I told you that rule to make things easier at first, but as you progress start breaking it. Honestly, you can redo that same example in many different ways. If the box on the right was totally behind the one on the left, there would have been no intersections. if the one on the left was slightly behind the one on the right, the intersections would have been totally different. It is about imagining which box is over which box, then trying to see how the faces would touch each other. Try different intersections with the same example :

  1. The left box really in front of the right one, but still touching.

  2. The right box really in front of the left one, but still touching.

  3. Left box slightly in front of the right one.

  4. The right box slightly in front of the left one.

It will be hard but since you're attacking your weakness, I am sure it will do wonders to your capacity of visualizing 3D space!

Keep up the good work!

4:56 PM, Thursday July 16th 2020
edited at 4:57 PM, Jul 16th 2020


i tried to practice again do you think these look correct?

(sorry for the blurry pic it seems my file got messed up a bit but hopefully u can see)

edited at 4:57 PM, Jul 16th 2020
1:52 PM, Friday July 17th 2020

Very nice progress here!

There is just one little inconsistency, the two boxes on the right. The box that is in the trop right corner should be above, or at least touching the one under it. The rest is very nice good job!

2:18 PM, Friday July 24th 2020

sorry for the late reply. thanks so much for the feedback i think i can do this on my own better now!

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