250 Box Challenge
11:16 PM, Tuesday May 11th 2021
Hi, good Drawabox teachers!
I don’t know if it’s acceptable to put a disclaimer here about my struggles, or if I’m just supposed to let the work speak for itself. Please, I just thought I’d say that mechanically, I still have a very hard time either lifting up or stopping upon the point I’m aiming for because my hand blocks the view, and I almost always undershoot or overshoot; when I focus too heavily on this, the line becomes wavering again, so it seems either/or. Also, I don’t know if it’s due to some distortion of looking at the box whilst doing the hatching, but I found these line incredibly hard to draw straight. And though I never went back and drew an internal line twice, I tried to superimpose all the silhouette lines for the added weight like Uncomfortable talks about; however, still frayed very often. I feel like all of this makes my work look sloppy to you even though I always put time and care into it and ghosted and valued every line.
As for the 3d understanding, I sadly don’t really feel like my accuracy of intuiting the convergences or my understanding of the forms and how to manipulate them improved much even after 250.
Pardon for the anxious rambling, and thank you very much for caring and now grading this work, which is so far from the perfection we are hoping to "draw" near to.