Hello there! I see your work hasn’t yet been critiqued in a while. I hope I am not too late and that my feedback can be of some help. First, congrats for getting through the lesson, and the 250 Box Challenge before that. And yes, the texture analysis is very daunting at first, but don’t let it scare you away. If you follow the instructions on how to analysis a texture, you will learn with time how an object casts a shadow and how to show that form through texture. Here is my critique:


Smooth, confident lines all around here. One thing though is that your shading at the bends seems to clash at times with perspective. Logically the closest bit (the bigger one) should be the one casting shade on the farthest bit (the smaller one).


Well done on keeping the ellipses perpendicular to the axis. The ellipses are also well drawn. I can also see the degree of change in angle on the ellipses as the form bends. Your contour lines look great, although at times they are a bit straight instead of more curved.


Your texture exercises look okay. One thing though is that in your analyses, you can clearly see a black rectangle on the left when it should be a smooth transition.


Again, your textures look good, and you've done a great job wrapping them around the forms and expressing their silhouettes, though the light-dark transitions are stronger in some than in others.


Although some of your lines here have a wobble to them, your shapes are solid and your intersections make sense.


Great job with these, I have nothing more to say.

Else, very well done on this exercise. Of course, keep doing Lesson 1 warmups as you are heading through the next lessons.