Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

8:04 AM, Wednesday August 11th 2021

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/F6yuOXA.jpg

The ellipses in planes were hard, and the rotating boxes were a bit of a mess, and my lines weren't as confident as i would like but other than that i would love to find out my other mistakes so i can fix them and improve faster.

Thanks for reading and have a great day.

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9:32 AM, Wednesday August 11th 2021

Hello BURNTEGGROLL, I hope my English is good enough to talking with you. Here something i can tell you about your exercise.

As you see, every first line you do is wobbly and distort, the reason is that you weren't confident to use ghosting method. At the Rotation Box exercise it is so difficult to me, i cant help you at this point.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

2:27 PM, Wednesday August 11th 2021

thank you for your help and you English was good; I do have some further questions, what do I need to do to get more confident and accurate in the ghosting method, and do you think I'm good to move on to lesson two?

I do very much appreciate your reply, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

4:04 AM, Thursday August 12th 2021

To get more confident and accurate in the ghosting method, Maybe you should try 250 Boxes challenge. Every line in 250BoxesChallenge will be drawn by GhostingMethod. Every your first line may get a lot of mistake, but your brain wanna improve your work, so your brain will auto find more and more way to make your line Straight and Smooth. (Trust me).

Another advice that i red from Book, they sound like: when you start a new work, there are a lot of FEAR, but the true is FEAR is NOT THE FEAR, it is a CHANCE to IMPROVE. (Just start to do and let your Brain learn from your mistake).

Thank you for your compliment and one more time have a nice.

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5:33 PM, Saturday August 14th 2021

Hi Burnteggroll!

First of all, I see you've put alot of work into this so congratulations on finishing lesson 1! :)

In the superimposed lines exercise your lines fray at both ends. This is easily fixable by carefully placing the pen at the starting point before actually drawing the lines. There is a bit of a wobble which will correct itself over time, just try and focus on drawing with confidence and making straight lines.

It's also very important to place plot points so you can do the ghosting method before every line.

I noticed you were trying to make some of the ellipses fit in too much which caused them to become distorted

Just like with lines, the ellipses must be drawn confidently, prioritizing confidence and smoothness,

over accuracy.

The rotated boxes is a really hard task and while you did have some mistakes, it went over quite well.

Just remember to place plot points, ghost and avoid going over mistakes again to fix them. Every line that misses it's mark should be treated as if it was accurate, you will get better at making lines in the future. Also on some of the exercises you sort of overcrowded the paper, i would focus on quality over quantity in the future.

I would say you are ready to start the 250 boxes challenge.

Good Luck :)

Next Steps:

250 box challenge

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
6:02 AM, Monday August 23rd 2021

thanks for your input i will definitely use what you have provided me with and i will start the 250 box challenge today.

thank you and, I hope you have great day.

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