Welcome to drawabox, and congrats on getting past the first hurdle. Let’s take a look at it, then.

Starting with your superimposed lines, these are looking solid. You’d perhaps benefit from an extra half a second of lining up, but it’s not too bad like this, either – your lines are smooth, and of a consistent trajectory. The ghosted lines/planes look quite confident, also, though you seem to hesitate a little before you commit. Be sure to ghost until you’re ready, so that you don’t. If it’s not that, then you’re likely taking a little too long, lining up your pen, losing the built-up rhythm as a result of it. By the way, it’s a little hard to tell if you’re doing this, but if you’re not, be sure to plot some start/end points for the non-diagonal center lines of your planes, too – all lines need these.

The table of ellipses exercise looks mostly good; a little lacking in variety, but the ellipses here are smooth, and rounded. You’ll not always draw through them a full 2 times, however – sometimes you’ll settle for 1 and change – so be sure to. The ellipses in planes are generally good. You’ll sometimes deform them a little, in an effort to really fill up your plane, but that’s not the goal. Instead, you should be trying to fit a smooth, and rounded ellipse inside of the given plane, as best you can. The funnels look good. I’d recommend drawing a little bigger, next time, it’ll help iron out the few issues that there are (occasional misalignment, etc.)

You’re missing quite a few of your back lines in the plotted perspective, but the rest is well done.

For the rough perspective exercise, it seems like you’ve extended your lines back to the vanishing point, but you need to be extending them back to the horizon, instead. Linework is also a bit of an issue here, though only sometimes. Remember that there’s no difference between these lines, and the ones in the ghosted lines exercise – far as the process of drawing a line goes, anyway. In other words, if they can be confident there, they can be confident here, too.

The rotated boxes exercise looks solid. The boxes aren’t particularly snug (especially in the back), but they rotate nicely, and, most importantly, you’ve seen the exercise through to the end. As you progress through the box challenge, you’ll be able to make some more informed decisions, next time you’re faced with similar problems, but for now, this is perfectly satisfactory.

The organic perspective exercise looks good, in the sense that the boxes flow well (as per their size, and foreshortening), but I’m wondering if perhaps, here, too, you neglected to plot start/end points for them, and simply extended the lines arbitrarily. Remember that these points don’t just tell you the direction your line is going, they also tell you its length. They’re important, because otherwise you’re thinking of 7 different things at once.