Congrats on working through lesson 3

Organic Arrows:

The arrows are drawn with very smooth lines, so nice job there. The first arrow looks good, with a clear distinction of closer and further away. The second arrow is not as clear, with varying widths of the arrow, instead of getting bigger or smaller in one direction. The third one is more clear, but has a curve in the middle that is too wide, breaking the illusion of the arrow. The extra line weight added to the edges of curves looks wobbly, so make sure to ghost those more before drawing over the lines.


The ellipses in the inside of the branches look mostly smooth, but they are all the same degree. Making the ellipse thinner or wider can help show how the branch is curving. Some of the lines for the branch outline seem to fray and some are wobbly, which means it may have needed more ghosting.


The leaves were okay. Some leaves seem too straight, and could be more curvy. The ones that do curve look good, with ends that twist and overlap accordingly. The details seem a bit minimal, but the details are not as imoprtant as any of the construction. What was there such as the curves, should have each curve drawn individually instead of a continuous action.


First off, the assignment says that four pages should be just construction, but all of the plants you drew were detailed. The construction in them seemed to be solid, and you followed the construction you drew as opposed to breaking the construction to look more like the reference.

Good job and good luck!