Lesson 6: Need some guidance on how to use my orthographic plans effectively
11:26 PM, Thursday October 17th 2024
Hello. I'm knee deep in lesson 6 and I feel like I have a solid grasp on multiplying, creating subdivisions, keeping track of lines, and I'm pretty good at making detailed orthographic views of all my objects, but I am struggling to actually use them to my advantage in constructing the 3D view. My strategy so far as been to create a + (plus) shape with the side view and front view intersecting and perpendicular to each other in the center of the bounding box, and then once both are laid in there, I draw lines out to the vanishing points and this basically connects everything and creates the actual volume. The problem is that it results in a nearly unmanageable rat's nest of lines even in ballpoint, and this doesn't seem to be the strategy that other students are employing in their lesson 6 submissions, but it's the best strategy I could come up with after following the mouse demo and the imgur album of the mouthwash. I've been avoiding slapping the orthos on the exterior planes of the boxes because these ortho views by their nature compress elements that are in reality in the distance, and so things like bottle caps which should be centered relative to the body of the bottle end up on the same vertical plane unless I treat these views as though they are cross sectional slices.
How do I leverage my carefully constructed orthographic views correctly? Thanks a lot for any assistance.
As an example, here's my attempt at creating a side view and then a 3D view of the bottle of mouthwash from Uncomfortable's demo: