Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

5:28 AM, Saturday March 6th 2021

Draw-A-Box Lesson 1 - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/Q6C7CAq.jpg

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First time posting here, so thanks to uncomfortable and everyone for providing this resource and community.

If I could get feedback on my first lesson it would really help me out.

This was done over about a month, so I'm not exactly blasting my way through it. About half hour to an hour a day, missing out on several days here and there. I'm sticking to it though.

Later y'all.

1 users agree
5:58 AM, Saturday March 6th 2021

Glad you're sticking to it!

  1. your lines seem pretty accurate. They do arch on some of the longer lines but keep practicing to make those longer lines straighter. Otherwise your short lines are quite accurate/confident!

  2. A couple of your ghosted lines wobble a bit - make sure to practice keeping those completely straight even if accuracy suffers a bit!

  3. Your ghosting of ellispes needs some practice - theres a decent amount of gaps and wobbly lines, through your second page seems better.

  4. You're pretty good at keeping your ellispes within the bounds, but once again your ghosting could use a little work. There's quite a lot of wobbling/unconfident lines on your second page too. Make sure you're drawing from your shoulder and that you're prioritizing confidence over accuracy! Accuracy comes with time (and lots of practice).

  5. Funnels- pretty good. You seem to have improved slightly with ghosting your ellispes

  6. Your plotted perspective boxes seem really good! There's little distortion and the lines of the boxes are accurately going towards the vanishing points.

  7. You got some wobbly lines and distortion on some boxes. The further away the box was from your vanishing the less accurate the lines became. That's something to keep in mind.

  8. Your rotated boxes are really well done. Some of the outer boxes could be rotated more dramatically- mostly the upper and lower ones. You have confident, accurate lines here.

  9. A bit of distortion. I also do feel like you could have rotated the boxes more dramatically, and that you relied on the Y formation a bit too much, which created similarly tilted boxes. Otherwise your lines are pretty accurate/confident.

2:47 AM, Sunday March 7th 2021

Hey mate. That's excellent, thanks for the feedback.

Around 6 and 7, I started doing daily warmup with ghosted planes exercise for 10 - 15 minutes. It might go against the spirit of not 'grinding' the lessons, but it really helped me with my confidence.

Also you articulated something I was feeling about the organic perspective lesson, I guess I took the easy way out with the Y formations there. I'll try to challange myself a bit more in the future.

Thanks again.

0 users agree
12:53 AM, Monday March 8th 2021

The ellipses you have drawn in the tables and in the planes are quite wonky and uneven looking. Also the ellipses in the funnels exercise are not correctly sized and are a little off center; the ellipses on the funnels need to be the same size on each end of the major axis (the short line across), and correctly orientated along the minor axis (the long line down).

Lastly, the lines on the 'Rough Perspective' exercise are wonky, and lack clear, confident strokes.

Next Steps:

Move on to the 250 box challenge, but be mindful of these mistakes in future; plan ellipses using the ghosting method and draw them with confidence, keep close attention to the proportions of the funnels and make sure they are correct, and also draw boxes with confidence like the ellipses.

Whilst you are moving on to the 250 box challenge, some of these homework exercises can be done when doing drawing exercises/warm-ups before you start a drawing sesson on this course (among other warm-ups as well).

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
5:30 AM, Monday March 8th 2021

Thanks for the feedback dude.

I'll add in ellipses into my regular warmup, build up my confidence with them.


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How to Draw by Scott Robertson

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