Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

5:51 AM, Monday October 11th 2021

drawabox - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/ah9Vwdz.jpg

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4:56 PM, Monday October 11th 2021

Hi Lvbomb, the imgur you've linked is fine!

I'll take a look at each submission and give you my feedback :)


Super-imposed lines looking good, make sure you're either reaching the point marked out or overshooting, undershooting is to be avoided, but it looks like you've rarely done this! One thing, try to make sure with future submissions you take the photos of your papers from directly above so that you're not cutting out any of the page as this has happened with a few of yours I see. You seem to be missing the ghosted lines assignment from your submission. The photos of your ghosted planes are all with ellipses in them, you should have two pages of planes without ellipses, but that's okay, from what I can see, the planes are all good. Always strive to make each and every line as straight as possible, practicing to draw from your shoulder, rather than elbow or wrist. Don't rush with anything you do, because taking your time will mean you'll get the best results you can and you will gain the most from what you do.


Your tables of ellipses look fine, you've done well at letting the lines flow rather than making them wobbly to get better "precision", good use of all available space. Make sure you only go through the ellipse a max of 3 times to avoid it looking too muddy. Great experimentation with different orientations! Some of your ellipses have a straight line through their major axes, try to avoid doing this and keeping the lines to be as consistent as possible around it whilst maintaining the technique of drawing from the shoulder. Ellipses in planes are looking generally good, again, make sure you don't rush. The funnels are the ones I found hardest to do, but I think you did them really well! Take your time when you draw the axes through the middle of the two outer curves so that you make sure it's as best centered as you can get it. I'd say one way you could improve is to try to get the degree to increase as the ellipses go further out of the funnel, which would mean making them wider from their minor axes. Also, always try to use up as much space as possible on every page.


Great job with the plotted perspective! Good neat lines, and I like how you used different colours on the bottom panel :) The VPs are placed nice and wide, but you could potentially have fit in one or two more boxes on each frame at either side, however it seems fine. You've only submitted one page for the rough perspective assignment. The one you have submitted looks alright, I'd say to improve it by making the VP more off-centered, but not too far to the side, and plotting your boxes in a wider variety of places within the frames, you also could have done at least five or six boxes for each frame. One more thing is that you should be using a different coloured pen to draw the lines going back to the VP from the boxes after you've done them to check your accuracy, I can see on one you've very faintly done this with the same pen, but the top frame doesn't have it at all. The rotated boxes look okay, perhaps try to draw it a little bigger, taking more time to carefully plot each line congruent to its respective line which it runs alongside, but this one was a really hard assignment! Organic perspective looks good, very adventurous guidelines placed! I would say one way you could improve this is to show a greater dynamic between the sizes of the cubes that are at the foreground to the ones which go off into the background, the gradient of the sizes are quite minimal, however it seems okay, and remember, take your time with each line and you will then improve the fastest!

Next Steps:

There are a few missing submissions from here, specifically the ghosted lines page and also the second page of rough perspective, perhaps this was a mistake and you left them off the upload by accident? Please reply with another link with the missing ones, but furthermore I would suggest to start over with the rough perspective assignment taking into consideration my feedback, you can do it! You can reply with these and I will be more than happy to take a look again with more feedback :)

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
8:01 PM, Monday October 11th 2021

Oh damn, Imgur didn't send my ghosted lines exercise... also, I completely forgot the second page of rough perspective, I think I skipped it out of frustration back then and my brain just made me forget about it or something. My bad, I'll submit both of these soon! Should I try to update the Imgur album or can I just submit the missing images instead?

Thank you for the critique by the way! Yeah, I noticed I was rushing a lot with the lines because I'm not the most patient person with my art. I'll make sure to send the rough perspective stuff once I'm done with it!

9:14 AM, Tuesday October 12th 2021

No worries, I thought that could've been it. Yeah it doesn't need to be on the same imgur upload, it can be a separate link.

Send them through in another reply once you've done them :)

Next Steps:

Ghosted lines page and 2 fresh pages of rough perspective is my suggestion!

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
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How to Draw by Scott Robertson

How to Draw by Scott Robertson

When it comes to technical drawing, there's no one better than Scott Robertson. I regularly use this book as a reference when eyeballing my perspective just won't cut it anymore. Need to figure out exactly how to rotate an object in 3D space? How to project a shape in perspective? Look no further.

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