Congratulations on completing lesson 2! To even have the courage to pick up a pen and put it to paper is a challenge in itself, so taking the time to improve your skills is amazing.


Since the arrow exist in 3-d space, the arrow should shrink as the ribbon goes away from us while it grows larger as it comes toward us. Many arrows have ribbons that stay the same width throughout the arrow. One thing that was great was the line qulity. Smooth and confident! Some shadows on the arrows appear to be on the outside of the humps in the arrow when it should be on the inside. Imagine where a shadow comes from as all shadows have a source.

Texture analysis:

The textures used the notes well to create accurate shaped based on the reference. The middle seemed to be a bit too dark, not creating a smooth transition of dark to light.


Looks good, with lots of silhouette breaking and a good variety of referces. Some textures with shadows also lacked smooth transition from light to dark.

Form Intersections:

Some lines and ellipses are wobbly, so make sure you are confident in the strokes you make before you make it. You also did not give indication as to how the shapes were intersecting, like in the directions.

Organic Intersections:

The forms were drawn well, but some shadows did not contour the forms they fell on.

Organic Forms:

Most of the forms are drawn well, with occasional forms that do not seem even. A few of the ellipses were wobbly. The semi- contours looked really good overall!

Good luck and keep drawing!!!