Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

4:07 AM, Thursday March 16th 2023

Lesson 1 - Google Drive

Lesson 1 - Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YT978TQ7SgByXoSCXcpMY_e6B65xLOTT?usp=sharing


For some of the earlier exercises, I did an extra page of the exercise because I wasn't very confident in them. At the time I didn't know that we shouldn't do extra pages, sorry about that.

3 users agree
12:15 AM, Friday March 17th 2023
  • Superimposed Lines

There is some mid line corrections being done here. Do not do this. Draw the lines confidently, even if you miss. If you wish for better accuracy then try this. Place your pen at a starting point, focus your attention at the end point, and then draw confidently to that point

  • Ghosted Lines

Very well done

  • Ghosted Planes/Ellipses in Planes

Ghosted planes are acceptable. Try to remember to keep line confidence and draw straight even if you miss the end point. The ellipses in planes are very floaty. They should be touching all 4 sides. Most are correct but a few are short of the edge or vastly overshoot it. Ghost your ellipses to help with this

  • Tables of Ellipses

First page is a bit wobbly, visible improvement on the second and third page. Remember to ghost your movements before laying your pen to paper. It'll allow for much greater accuracy

  • Funnels

Your ellipses are good here. Just remember to ghost for better accuracy

  • Plotted Perspective

Very well done

  • Rough Perspective

Very well done

  • Rotated Boxes

Very well done

  • Organic Perspective

Good but you seem to have started with squares in many instances. Refer back to the lesson and you'll see that a good suggestion for starting with boxes is "Y"s of various lengths. I would suggest you do the 250 boxes and it'll help with accuracy and perspective

Next Steps:

Good job completing the homework! Start on the 250 box challenge to help you hone your sense of perspective

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
1:58 AM, Monday March 27th 2023

Thx for the feedback! I will definitely try to complete the 250 boxes challenge.

1 users agree
9:39 PM, Thursday March 16th 2023

Your funnels are so satisfying and I have no idea how you did the rotated boxes so well they look so clean, you are obviously working on line confidence because you can see the progression from the simple lines to the complex boxes. Awesome work!

Next Steps:

Keep working on ghosted lines for the more difficult excersises instead of sketch lines - dont worry if they come out funny!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
1:54 AM, Monday March 27th 2023


0 users agree
6:31 PM, Monday April 10th 2023

Hello Jon, this will be a additional critique comment so I will try to keep this as short as possible.

Firstly, inregards to your statement about extra exercises, remember what Uncomfortable mentioned, do the exercises as intended and with the best of your abilities for that moment and move on, no grinding.


Your superimposed lines, most of the lines have little to no fraying at the beginning which is what we are aiming for right now, but we can see some fraying at the beginning in some cases as well as there is an arch going on in the longer lines. The main reasons are to not use shoulder as the pivot or hesitating or not properly planning the marks before hand so do make sure of this in your future exercises, As for arch, same thing, but there can be another reason for arch which is to have an innate nature arch in your strokes, which can be dealt by making a negative arch of similar degree as explained in the lesson. So do take care of this.

Further most of your ghosted lines are confident, but we can see some wiggle here and there which can again result from hesitation, not properly ghosting or not using shoulder as pivot, so take care of this as well.

There is improvement in line quality in your ghosted planes but, it seems you have drawn over lines more than once in some instances, do take care that you should treat your inital mark as final one, no matter how off the mark it is, treat it as the final mark and move on.


Most of your Ellipses in tables are drawn with confidence and are drawn through more than once which is good, except few in the first page, do try to draw them through in your future warmups.

Your Ellipses in planes are done with confidence as well, though as seen in few cases, there are some slight distortions but dont worry they will get better with deliberate warmups.

Same with your funnels, the minor axis is dividing some of the ellipses in equal but some are not bisected equally, and we can see some slight wobble in few but they will improve over time as well, remember our main objective is to have smooth ellipses for now by keeping accuracy as a secondary yet still important priority.


Besides things pointed earlier: Your plotted perspective is good, in rough perspective it seems you have wobbles again, so do take a note on that as well. Your rotated box is also done nicely. And as for organic perspective, apart from slight wobbles I think its nice as well.

If it would have upto me, I would have considered going over ghosted planes and ellipses exercise once again, as it will reinforce proper planning, ghosting and confident linemaking practices. Do take care of using shoulders as pivot, ghosting properly and not hesitating after you put your pen on paper. With that said, good luck, do regular deliberate warmups.

Oh and remember, adding lineweight by going over once only on the silhuette for the sake of lineweight is recommended, and do not try to correct your initial marks.

7:17 PM, Monday April 10th 2023

Thanks a lot for hte additional critique! I'll try my best to not correct my initial marks moving forward, especially on the 250 box challenge (although I do notice that I still do it here and there). As for your suggestion about going over the ghostest planes and ellipses exercises, I am currently doing the ghosted planes and funnels exercise as warm-up (and will most likely continue to do so for a while). Thanks again for the critique!

7:21 PM, Monday April 10th 2023

Glad to be of help, and that is great to hear about, deliberate regular warmups will do wonders for us. My best wishes for you, take good care of health as well.

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