Hello LYLM, I will be helping you out with some critique.

Firstly, this submission is very good overall! great work.

The first thing that needs correction is your use of line weight. Alot of your drawings have spots of very very dark and intense line weight. This is not nesscary. The purpose of line weight is to help establish communicate which objects in the image are overlapping others. You should only ever apply one line of line weight overtop the original line, even if that extra line of line weight misses the line under it and looks messy.

Remember, drawabox is not about making pretty drawings, its about learning the technique.

Another way to differeniate forms is by using cast shadows, use cast shadows instead of super super thick line weight. Line weight gets messy if you overdo it.

The other thing is your use of texture. The amount of texture you apply should be consistent throughout a drawing. Take the bonsai tree, for example, some leaves have a nice, graident from light to dark like you practiced in lesson 1. On the same tree, there are transitions from black to white that are abrupt with no graident at all. While detail is completly optional, I would reccomend being consistent with the level of detail for each drawing, as to not make them incosistent.

That is not always true, though, sometimes you can have spots of high detail that are complemented by empty space around it, but that has to be intentonally done and not a result of you getting bored of adding texture to the drawing.

Since it seems like you really care about getting good, I will request that you do 3 more plant drawings. Use only one extra line of line weight, only apply line weight for the purpose of differentating overlapping forms (only use it when forms are overlapping and don't use it otherwise.) The last plant drawing can have detail if you want, but make sure it is consistent if you do use it. The others should be construction.