I'm just going to get straight into it. You are missing your ghosted planes excercises. The superimpossed lines excercises look good. You definitely took the time to prepare to draw at the starting point of the initial guideline. There's fraying but that will improve with practice. As for the ghosted lines excercise again you took the time to plan, prepare, and you executed those lines with confidence.

                                                                                     Your tables of ellipses look good. There's size variation. You have also drawn through the ellipses two times. The funnels excercise needs work. I am seeing little inconsistencies where the minor axis cuts some ellipses unevenly and others are cut into two halves. You did a great job in the ellipses in planes excercises. I can see that you had trouble with the boxes section of the lesson.                                                      

                                                                                    You did a decent job with the plotted perspective excercise. Now for the meat of this critique. For the rough perspective there's some guesswork. In some of the boxes you did not really keep in mind the simple rule that lines that are vertical are perpendicular to the horizon line and lines that are horizontal are parallel to the horizon. When you have this kind of rule there's no need to guess on any of this. As for the convergences maybe little bit of more estimation would have been okay.          

                                                                                       As I explained previously there's guesswork in the rotated boxes excercise.                                                  On the right side the boxes are slanted upwards which results in those parellel lines to converge upwards as well and that's obviously incorrect.  The parallel lines should be heading towards a point on the horizon line. But here you have to estimate where those VP's are. Again don't guess when there is no need to. The gaps in between the center boxes are consistent I'll give you that. The rest of the gaps have little inconsistencies. Make use of the neighboring boxes as a clue to how you should approach tackling the next one. One more thing to point out is that as a box rotates one side of box will get larger causing the other side to get smaller.                                              

As a result these two VP's will slide along the horizon line bringing one closer and the other farther away. In your attempt the boxes that are farther away from you don't seem to compress enough which doesn't give the impression that they are rotated.

                                                                                  In the organic perspective excercise some boxes that you drew don't look like boxes at all. Especially the front ones. While here you have to guess more than anything you still have to keep the three VP's in mind and how they converge. In this case the foreshortening here has to be shallow meaning that the convergences of the lines will be slower. They won't be completely parallel as if you were to draw them on the page nor will they converge fast.                                                                   

                                                                                     When it comes to this sort of thing you need to try your best to which you are currently capable of doing. I'm not sure if you rushed or not but if you did rushing things then you need to slow down and think about what you are doing. The boxes that are closest to you don't have much exagarrated scale/size.Once you redo this excercise I want to you exagarrate scale just a little bit more.                                

                                                                                     Now since the rotated boxes excercise takes a while to complete and I'm leaving you to do two revisions. All I ask of you is to reread the material for this excercise and rewatch the video. Later when you begin to do the 250 box challenge and if you decide to redo this excercise just send it to me.