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3 users agree
11:09 AM, Tuesday October 27th 2020


Overall, it's a very good submission!

  • The lines extend in the right direction so you understand the perspective of the viewer.

  • Rare divergences. Your lines are either parallel or converge correctly, making your boxes look right.

Things to improve

  • You overshoot your target sometime and you haven't done any hatching lines for one side of the box. I would recommend to do some hatching for the final 5 pages for practice. Just like in lesson 1 ghosted lines, you should place the pen carefully at the start of each line (in the line of the box) so it can only fray in one end in the worst case.

  • Sometimes the third line for one VP doesn't meet the VP defined by the first two lines. Try defining the VP in your mind and ghosting the line properly before drawing it. This should also help with the fourth and final line.

  • Wobbly lines: All lines have to be drawn by drawing first by ghosting it and then drawing it confidently with the shoulder prioritizing confidence over accuracy. Your lines sometimes wobble or are curved.

I think you have done the important things correctly enough to mark this lesson as complete.

Next Steps:

Please practice the "Things to improve" as a warm-up before each drawing session you do.

You can go to Lesson 2.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
2:54 PM, Saturday November 14th 2020

Thank you so much for your critique! Sorry for responding so late. Your criticisms were well thought out and I think you hit the mark perfectly on the things that I need to work on. Not only that, you were every polite in your wording.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Sakura Pigma Microns

Sakura Pigma Microns

A lot of my students use these. The last time I used them was when I was in high school, and at the time I felt that they dried out pretty quickly, though I may have simply been mishandling them. As with all pens, make sure you're capping them when they're not in use, and try not to apply too much pressure. You really only need to be touching the page, not mashing your pen into it.

In terms of line weight, the sizes are pretty weird. 08 corresponds to 0.5mm, which is what I recommend for the drawabox lessons, whereas 05 corresponds to 0.45mm, which is pretty close and can also be used.

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