Hey. It seems you understand all the exercises with the exception of one. I'll go through the exercises one by one, try to give you an idea of something to keep in mind for the future, and then go more in-depth for the one I believe you misunderstood.


For superimposed lines it looks mostly fine. There are some expected mistakes, but overall I think you tried to keep your lines smooth. Try to remember not to correct yourself while you're drawing a line. Some of the lines start out the same place, then branch out, then come back to the place you intended it to end at, which is a sign of correcting yourself.

For ghosted lines it looks fine. There's a bit of wobble and stuff, but again, that's to be expected.

For ghosted planes I like that you tried different perspectives.


For tables of ellipses I think you did mostly fine. There's some inconsistency, which is to be expected. Maybe try to be more conscious of your ghosting.

For ellipses in planes it's pretty much the same. I think you stayed within the lines pretty well, but remember that you're to focus on smoothness over accuracy.

For funnels I think they look pretty good. For some of them it looks like you maybe drew the ellipse too many times?


For plotted perspective I'm not sure if you used a ruler like you're supposed to, and there's a line or two you didn't extend.

For rough perspective, this is the one I believe you misunderstood. You're supposed to extend your lines to where they're going, not to the VP. Your vertical lines are also not perpendicular to the horizon.

For rotated boxes this is a tough one, but I think you did fine. Your boxes are bunched up nice and close to each other, but they're not rotated properly, which is to be expected. This really is a rough exercise, so don't worry about it.

For organic perspective I think your lines are starting to look more wobbly. Remember to focus on smoothness over accuracy. It doesn't matter if you miss the mark you made, or if you overshoot or undershoot, just focus on making the line smooth and confident.

I'm gonna request a revision for you to do rough perspective again. Reread the assignment page, and watch the video. Again, what I think you did wrong here was the extension of your lines, where instead of extending your lines in the direction they're going and ending them when they get to the horizon line, you just started at the front point of your box and then extended them to the vanishing point, regardless of whether your lines went in that direction or not. Read the instructions thoroughly and ask if you have any questions!