Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
3:17 AM, Tuesday February 13th 2024
I uh, I tried my best, so I leave it up to you all to give me your opinion and critiques, thank you so much!
Hello and welcome to drawabox. Congratulations on finishing lesson 1.
Lines - Your superimposed lines look good, however I do notice some wobbling as you are trying really hard to aim towards the second point. It is better that you learn confidence and flow now, and accuracy later. Ghosted lines look fine, but you shouldn't go back and fix the mistakes you made, I see that you did that with a couple of these. Instead, make the mark and move on. Remember right now you are trying to worry about smoothness, flow, and confidence. Forget about accuracy. Your ghosted planes look fine, I do see however that you are still trying to go back and fix your mistakes. Confindence > accuracy dont forget that.
Ellipses - Ellipses look rushed, especially in tables of ellipses (Please correct me if I am wrong). Remember that for this exercise you need to draw through your ellipse only 2-3 times, and make sure the ellipses fit snugly against the borders of the tables. Ellipses in planes, you are also drawing through your ellipses too many times here. With funnels, again, just drawing through your ellipses too many times.
Boxes - Plotted perspective looks good. For rough perspective you should try to keep your VP around the center of the page. Your rotated boxes look fine, maybe add some more rotation to them. For organic perspective, try to focus on the boxes going back in space and getting consistently smaller for now.
Next Steps:
1 table of ellipse (draw through them 2-3 times), 1 page ghosted lines (confidence > accuracy)
I hope this is good. Sorry about the rough lines, my pen is drying up and needs to be replaced.
awesome! you're set to move forward
Next Steps:
250 box challenge
Hello there I call myself Quat and I am going to critique your lesson 1 today.
First of all the line section of lesson one: you seem to have Followed The steps really well and although you have a lot of wobbly lines in the ghosted lines exercise, you have Improved it in the ghosted planes exercise.
Secondly Ellipses : once Again you followed the instructions really well and there is nothing to point out .
finally The boxes Section Of lesson 1: although you did good in the plotted perspective exercise your rough perspective exercise is full of Wobbly lines and Your organic perspective exercise has a lot of distortion and even some wobbly lines. You will have enough time to work on the problems with the organic perspective exercise in the 250 boxes challenge but I might have to make you redo the rough perspective exercise.
Next Steps:
Do one page of The Ghosted lines exercise . This will work as a warm up for The Rough perspective exercise Which I want you to do one page of.
Hopefully this is more to your liking. Sorry for some of the rougher lines, I need to buy a new pen.
Well done I am going to mark your lesson as complete. Your next step is the 250 boxes challenge, don't forget about the 50:50 rule
Next Steps:
Your next step is the 250 boxes challenge
This is a remarkable little pen. I'm especially fond of this one for sketching and playing around with, and it's what I used for the notorious "Mr. Monkey Business" video from Lesson 0. It's incredibly difficult to draw with (especially at first) due to how much your stroke varies based on how much pressure you apply, and how you use it - but at the same time despite this frustration, it's also incredibly fun.
Moreover, due to the challenge of its use, it teaches you a lot about the nuances of one's stroke. These are the kinds of skills that one can carry over to standard felt tip pens, as well as to digital media. Really great for doodling and just enjoying yourself.
I would not recommend this for Drawabox - we use brush pens for filling in shadow shapes, and you do not need a pen this fancy for that. If you do purchase it, save it for drawing outside of the course.
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