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9:53 PM, Thursday February 16th 2023

Good evening soldier, nice to be on the "other side" of Box hell right? Give yourself a pat on the shoulder, you did good!

It's funny how a lot of people I see, feel that they peak at round boxes 150-180. It was the same for me, and I think one explanation might be 1) Like you say, higher standards, 2) Fatigue, 3) You start to experiment with more "odd" types of boxes, especially the long ones. Don't worry though, your box 200-250 still is a lot better than the first ones, and that is the goal!

First, some things I noticed overall.

  • You have a good variety of boxes and the perspective communication is quite clear. I understand the direction you wanted to present the cube in and this is good. You really seem to have a knack to quite accurately draw the boxes in dramatic perspectives, I'd like to point out boxes 61, 98, 137 as especially good.

  • The less dramatic boxes are not as accurate. I feel that you need to practice these a bit more, not only because they are harder but also because the ones I see have too little convergence and thus become too parallell. You can read more about it in this link, where the issue is illustrated in detail.

  • You are not drawing all the possible convergence lines for your boxes. In a majority of boxes, you are forgetting, or skipping, the last convergence line. For this reason, I'm afraid I'll have to ask for a tiny revision from you. It's very important that the convergence line from the inner corner exists, so that you can clearly see if you have issues with the inner corner (a very common issue!).

  • You are never supposed to correct the convergences by tracing the back from the common vanishin point, like you did in red marker for boxes 246-250 and a lot of others. This defeats the purpose of the exercise, but I understand that you are doing it to "check" how off you were. In that case, do it on the side but not within the scope of DAB course submissions and instructions.

Now for some specific critique.

Extending lines in the wrong direction

While often skipping the proper amount of convergence lines, yours are extending in the right direction, which is away from the viewer. That is correct.

Divergences and parallel lines

This relates to my earlier comment about trying to do some more boxes with a perspective drama somewhere between very parallell and extreme. In your revision, I'd like for you to focus only on these type of boxes. Here you can find some examples, but remember to imagne your own boxes and draw from imagination.

Hatching lines

While optional, if you do it, they need to be as accurate as the line techniques listed in Lesson 1. Keep hatching, but try doing it just a bit more carefully in your revision.


I strongly encourage you to try this in your revision. Just like in lesson 1, lineweight should only be added to the silhouette of the boxes, and with a superimposed line, one is enough, as it's important to keep it subtle. When doing this superimposed line, it should be done ghosting and drawing it confidently, having it lose accuracy is acceptable, but having wobble is not. As always, confidence > accuracy.

Wobbly lines and repeating lines

No matter how off a line is, you shall not correct it with another line on top of the faulty one. All lines have to be drawn by drawing first its starting and ending dots, ghosting it, and drawing it confidently with the shoulder prioritizing confidence over accuracy. Just like in Lesson 1! For your last boxes, they looked much better than your first boxes but suffered from this mistake.

Similar orientations with boxes

You have a good variety of orientation!

Inner corner

This is your major issue and the reason why I want to see a revision - I cannot see how off the inner corner is if you are not extending the convergence from the corner! It's pretty normal to have the inner corners come out pretty off, as they are affected by the accumulation of previously done mistakes.

This diagram explain the issue, so that you can understand why your revision must have all the convergence lines drawn out.

One tip that is commonly suggested as "inner corner fix" is to draw the lines in a particular order. By drawing the inner corner before the last line of the box, it might become easier to think about the relationship between lines, which will make it easier to nail the convergences.

Next Steps:

20 more boxes with "moderate" perspective. Draw all the possible convergence lines, preferably in different colors if you can. This is because you need to be able to gauge how off your inner corner is. In the revision, try to also add a little line weight around the silhouette, and make the hatching a little tidier. Avoid repeating lines at all costs! I am confident that you can do it really good, will be waiting patiently for your improvement :)

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
12:45 PM, Friday February 17th 2023

Hello, thanks for the critique! Read through it and tried to improve with my 20 boxes. Here is the link to them

I added line weight and convergence lines for the inner corners. I'm not really confident that I've addressed everything you said though, since many of the boxes seemed to have incorrect inner corners. But I'll let you judge that. Thanks again and have a great day.

1:19 PM, Friday February 17th 2023

It looks a lot better! I think you have addressed the major issues. The point is to see how off your inner corners are, not that they are perfect. This time, since you have done all the convergence lines, you will immediately see what to work in. As for the other convergences, it still looks quite good. Congratulations on finishing ????

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
2:46 PM, Friday February 17th 2023

Thank you! will move on to lesson 2 now then. Thanks again for looking over these.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Staedtler Pigment Liners

Staedtler Pigment Liners

These are what I use when doing these exercises. They usually run somewhere in the middle of the price/quality range, and are often sold in sets of different line weights - remember that for the Drawabox lessons, we only really use the 0.5s, so try and find sets that sell only one size.

Alternatively, if at all possible, going to an art supply store and buying the pens in person is often better because they'll generally sell them individually and allow you to test them out before you buy (to weed out any duds).

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